𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟐

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Jungkook's heart clenched at the sight of Taehyung squirming in the bed, drenched with sweat, face morphed into a painful expression.

The screams turned into sobs and salty tears left Taehyung's closed eyes as his breathing increased erratically.
His hand clutched the bedsheets tighter and his crying got louder.

Jungkook hasn't ever felt this helpless before, he was panicstriken and stared at the crying boy, an unknown emotion flooding his mind.

He etched closer to the bed and kneeled down besides Taehyung distressed figure, he planted a feather light caress on Taehyung's tear stained cheek.

He whispered, he wanted to wake Taehyung up but didn't want to startle him.

He called again, feeling frustrated, when the boy only cried louder.

Jungkook's heart couldn't take it anymore, he felt himself suffocating while looking at the distressed boy, jungkook took deep breath and whispered sweet nothings into Taehyung's ear but nothing seemed to work.

He shook the boy repeatedly but he didn't stir, he was deep within the grasp of his subconscious mind and even if Taehyung wanted to, he couldn't escape.

Jungkook felt helpless, Taehyung just won't wake up.

At the end of his wits, Jungkook just pulled the boy into his embrace and cradled him softly, mind racing with worry and frustration.

To his utter suprise, Taehyung calmed down considerably, his crying lessened and screams reduced to whimpers.

Jungkook planted soft kisses all over Taehyung's face, kissing each and every inch of his skin.
He kissed the tear stains, wanting them to disappear form Taehyung's skin.

Jungkook's heart leaped with joy when Taehyung's eyes fluttered open, he watched as Taehyung expression morphed to one of confusion and then to one of realization.

Jungkook felt relief wash over him and he couldn't help himself, when he pulled Taehyung's face closer to his own and planted his lip on his.

The kiss was sweet and short as Jungkook poured his relief and worry into it, Taehyung's lips were far more delicious than Jungkook imagined, jungkook groaned in appreciation before connecting they're lips again.

This time Taehyung kissed back, matching Jungkook's intensity.
They're lips moved in a synchronized rhythm as if they were made to dance with each other.

Taehyung pulled away due to lack of breath and stared at jungkook dazed, he loved the way jungkook's lips felt against his own.

It was natural, almost as if they were meant to be.

❝ I'm sorry- ❞
Taehyung started, reminded of the fact that jungkook had witnessed one of his nightmares.

❝ They're's nothing to be sorry about, pup, do you get panic attacks often? ❞
Jungkook questioned, voice softer than ever before.

❝ once or twice a week.❞
Taehyung said, wrapping his arms around Jungkook, seeking his warmth.

❝ Are the Nightmares different everytime? Do they stem form a part experience or are they a figment of your imagination? ❞
Jungkook questioned, cautiously.

❝ they're reoccurring dreams, it's always the same and yes, it does stem from a traumatic past experience.❞

❝ Do you want to tell me about the dream? It's okay, if you aren't ready, I won't be mad. ❞
Jungkook whispered, pecking Taehyung's lips.

❝ they're about my father's accident and the funny thing is I never witnessed my father's accident but the nightmares I get are so specific and detailed as if I'm watching the scene unfold right informt of my eyes.❞
Taehyung whispered, staring out the big window adorning Soobin's room.

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