𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟖

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Jungkook almost passed out from the intense Boredom, killing people just ain't fun anymore.

If he wanted to see somebody whine and beg he'd just go home and fuck Taehyung senseless, Taehyung's cries are more melodious anyways.

no, they haven't gone all the way in, yet but Jungkook craved Taehyung like a drug, he could just imagine Taehyung's expression while he pounds into him, mercilessly.

Just the mere thought of it, gets him beyond excited.

The boy's got him fucked up, he's aware that what he feels for Taehyung is much greater than just a temporary 'like'.

Jungkook is utterly in love with Taheyung.

Jungkook needs to be assured that Taehyung wants this just as badly because Jungkook no longer wants Taehyung, he needs Taehyung.

He leaned against the dirty wall taking a swing from his chilled beer, staring at the starry sky trying to differentiate between the constellations.

Somehow he could see his and Taehyung's name written together in the constellations, they were really meant to be.

Taehyung's got Jungkook mesmerized.

Clutching on his new pendant that now lays upon his bare chest proudly, he signalled for Yoongi to hurry up with disposing the lifeless bodies.

As Jungkook moved, his prominent tatted muscles flexed and his abs glistened with sweat, he ran his slender fingers through his Raven locks as he felt an uncontrollable itch in his body to embrace Taehyung.

Like, he said earlier, Taehyung's got him mesmerized.

❝Cool Necklace. ❞
An annoying voice pierced through the otherwise silent night.

Park Bogum.

A humorless chuckle escaped Jungkook's lips as he studied Bogum's dark eyes which were filled with Hatered and malice, burning with an urge for vengeance.

❝You've got Quite the Nerve for showing up while I'm out playing.
Jungkook mocked, smirking as he knew he was getting under Bogum's skin.

❝playing or simping? ❞
Bogum snickered, eyeing the pendant around Jungkook's neck, focused on the name engraved in a pretty font.

❝Have you lost your will to live along with the drug deal? ❞
Jungkook asked, still as carefree as ever.

Jungkook's tatoos made him look even more intimidating as his Domineering glare sent shivers of fear down Bogum's spine.

❝-Because only a person on his death bed would make the mistake to provoke me while I'm in the mood to play.

Jungkook stretched his tattooed arms, cracking his knuckles while one his perfectly arched eyebrows shot up and an playful smirk made it's way onto his devilishly handsome face.

❝You've made the mistake of underestimating me, once.
I would advise you to not repeat it again.❞
Bogum sneered, trying to sound even half as intimidating as Jungkook.

❝It isn't fun making a mistake, until you repeat it a thousand times. ❞
Jungkook said as one of his slender fingers caressed the sharp knife, drawing blood.

Jungkook's eyes zeroed on the deep red blood drop that hit the white tiles, tainting the pure color.
Jungkook loved the color of blood, so tempting, so alluring, so dangerous.

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