𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟖

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The young Rays of sunlight pierced through the dimly lit room, shining upon the entangled bodies and souls.

Jungkook's eyes fluttered open just to fall on his sleeping angel.
The long, thick lashes that Taehyung possessed brushed over his own soft cheeks making his appear so peaceful and calm.

Jungkook brought peace to Taehyung, he faught off his nightmares.
Somewhere, along the way both Jungkook and Taehyung became each other's escape.

Jungkook's fingers caressed Taehyung's face, hooded eyes memorizing each minuscule detail that made Taehyung who he was, Jungkook was enchanted by Taehyung's aura, his impactful presence and he never wants this spell of love to wear off.

Jungkook was suprised when his gaze was met by dazed pretty eyes belonging to Taehyung, the two bewitched individuals stared into each others soul.

A piercing pain hit Taehyung as the events of the prior night crashed down on him, Jungkook wasn't easy on him but Taehyung didn't mind, he has always liked it rough despite how much it hurts.

Perhaps, it's because it hurts so Good.

Jungkook tightened his hold on Taehyung's petit waist, leaving fluttering kisses all across Taehyung's face making the latter giggle.

❝We have to get up.❞
Taehyung mumbled, feeling Jungkook nuzzle his face against his nape.

❝I love you soo fucking much.❞
Jungkook whispered, completely ignoring Taehyung's statement.

Taehyung's eyes gleamed with mischief as a sinister idea clouded his mind.
He kept his mouth close and decided not to return Jungkook's spontaneous love confession, just for the fun of it.

Jungkook's ears awaited the sound of Taehyung's honey laced voice to return his love confession but he was met with deafening silence.

If Jungkook had the ability to sprout puppy ears spontaneously, they would be drooped as his face resembled the one of a kicked puppy.

Taehyung masked his emotions under a nonchalant facade keeping the urge to break out into fits of laughter hidden, he wanted to shower Jungkook with love but teasing his man was just as fun.

Jungkook's stomach pooled with an unfamiliar emotion making his heart ache painfully.
He felt a sting in his eyes as his mind clouded with far fetched scenarios, the voices in his head twisted Taehyung's innocent joke into something much darker and hurtful.

He Doesn't Love You Anymore.

Taehyung's eyes widen when he felt the heartache roll off Jungkook in waves.
He just realized that maybe the joke wasn't that funny and made fading insecurities reignite.

He felt guilt sweeping into his system, when Jungkook retracted his arm from Taehyung's body, Taehyung realized that Jungkook didn't perceive the situation as a harmless prank.

This wasn't funny to Jungkook.

Taehyung instantly pulled Jungkook back and cupped the teary eyed males cheeks in his hands.
Taehyung placed his lips onto Jungkook's in a pure, passionate kiss pouring his emotions into their intertwined lips.

❝I'm deeply in love with you and don't you dare question that because of a mere joke!❞
Taehyung whisper yelled, pecking Jungkook's lips in between words.

Jungkook hooked his fingers under Taehyung's waist and pulled the younger's body closer, so that his head was laying directly over Jungkook's heart.

❝You hear my Heartbeat?❞
Jungkook questioned, running his hands though Taehyung's silver locks.

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