𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟕

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( Warning: Usᴀɢᴇ ᴏғ A Hᴏᴍᴏᴘʜᴏʙɪᴄ Sʟᴜʀ.)

❝Do you maybe wanna crash at my place?❞
Taehyung suggested as soon as Jungkook stated that Soobin and Yeonjun had hijacked his house.

Jungkook nodded, face nuzzled against Taehyung's neck as the sunlight shone on their faces, enumerating their beautiful features.

The sleek black car that Jungkook possessed stood out completely from the rundown surroundings of the park they were soaking the sun at.

Taehyung looked out the window as the engine roared back to life, Jungkook's veiny, big hand wrapped firmly around the steering wheel, driving towards Taehyung's house without taking help from the GPS as he had the directions memorized from the first time he visited the aesthetically appealing place.

Taehyung opened the lock with his keys, the cute strawberry keychain attached to it jiggling, producing a chiming sound.

He opened the door and was startled looking at the switched on lights but pinned it down to the fact that maybe he forgot to turn them off.

Jungkook followed Taehyung inside breathing in the tempting Air that smells just like Taehyung, vanilla and strawberry.

Taehyung removed his jacket and ushered Jungkook to do the same before switching on the centralized heating system.

Jungkook backhugged Taehyung tugging him closer to his sculpted chest, he turned the younger around before smashing their lips together.

Erotic sounds escaped their throats as they continued their actions driven by passion and desire but they're perfect fantasy came to an abrupt stop as a high pitched, shrill voice pierced through the sexual tension.

❝Kim Taehyung, you disgrace! ❞
The shrill voice reached Taehyung's ears making him pull away from Jungkook's embrace completely.

His mother.
The look of sheer disgust plastered on her face sent waves of annoyance and dissatisfaction crashing down on Taehyung.

She scowled as her eyes danced from Jungkook to Taehyung gazing disapprovingly.

❝You whore! Is this what you indulge in behind my back? Getting fucked by punks? ❞
Kim geonita roared out, outraged by her son's disgraceful demeanor.

Jungkook's blood boiled at the names this old lady called his Taehyung but he figured she was Taehyung's mother and didn't act upon his thoughts.

❝You ungrateful little shit! I work hard to provide you food and a roof while you're out here whoring! ❞
Taehyung's mother continued, stepping closer to Taehyung.

❝I always knew you were a little Faggot, bringing such shame to our family name, you fucking Slut! ❞
She stepped even closer, raising her hand to slap Taehyung.

Before her bony hand could connect with Taehyung's cheeks, Jungkook grasped it mid air, throwing it to Kim Geonita's side.

❝-And you're sleeping with his Scumbag, he seems like an arrogant Bastard! I certainly do not approve.❞
Taehyung's mother stated, entitledly.

❝I do not require your approval in the least.❞
Taehyung stated, entwining his hand with Jungkook's.

❝I'm your mother! ❞
Geonita screamed, eyes ablaze with rage.

❝Merely Giving birth to somebody doesn't deem you worthy of the title of 'Mother'. ❞
Taeh gritted out, years of pent up frustration and agression begging to sweep out.

❝You ungrateful Swine, I Am your mother. ❞
She snarled, trying to grasp Taehyung who was pushed behind Jungkook's back.

❝You haven't been a mother to me in years, so please don't think I'm obligated to treat you with even an ounce of extra respect apart from common decency.❞
Taehyung said, voice unnerving and firm.

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