𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟕

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Jungkook was devastated, he had spent last two days emersed in guilt and regret, he just wished that he had more control on his anger and overbearing emotions.

Jungkook has won every Battle he ever fought but the one he fights with his mind and anger daily are the one's he loses.

Taehyung was avoiding him, he was sure of that.

If jungkook had any sense of morality, he would have left Taehyung alone, knowing he was better off without jungkook's presence but Jungkook has always been too damn selfish.

He spotted the silver headed male walking towards his class, alone.
This was Jungkook's chance to apologize and gain the youngers addicting presence back.

Taehyung was intoxicating, an addictive drug and Jungkook has always lived life one high to another.

Jungkook pulled Taehyung in the same exact classroom as yesterday, he hooked two of his long, slender fingers under Taehyung's chin and lifted his head up.

Jungkook swore he felt his heart drop to his stomach when he saw fear pooling Taehyung's beautiful eyes.

❝Listen, Taehyung I-❞

❝ I'm sorry jungkook, I shouldn't have-❞

❝ No, No,No! You did nothing wrong, it was my fault, it's on me that I can't control my emotions or my anger.
I want to sincerely apologize for my behavior, it doesn't portray what I feel about you in anyway. ❞

❝ I was diagnosed with IED last year and I don't have a grip on my anger, some words you used in the confrontation we shared, triggered one of my unwarranted outbursts and I couldn't fight against the overbearing wave of emotions that crashed on me.
I know this doesn't make it right and doesn't justify what I did to you in anyway or form.
I'm not really expecting forgiveness so easily, I just want you to know that I wouldn't have done what I did if I was in the right state of mind. ❞

❝ Fuck, tae! I try to fight against it but I can't, I'm sorry, so deeply sorry. ❞

Taehyung eyes widened upon hearing the sudden apology, in all honesty he wasn't really expecting one.

Taehyung's heart swelled with empathy upon hearing about the youngers Medical issues, it sucks not being able to control your own emotions and actions.

❝ I accept your apology, Jungkook.❞

Jungkook looked towards Tae with hopeful eyes, surprised by the Generosity the younger bestowed on him.

❝ I know that what you exhibited isn't acceptable behavior but eventhough the person that caused me pain looked exactly like you, sounded exactly like you, had the same name as you,
He wasn't you.
Also, I shouldn't have called you names and I'm sorry for being inconsiderate towards Soobin's feelings. ❞

❝ I know how it feels to be trapped inside your own mind, I pray that you overcome your Anger Issues because I believe in you, I know you can do it, you're stronger, wayy stronger.❞

❝ D-do you still hate me? ❞
The younger asked, this particular question haunting his mind for the past few days.

❝ I never hated you in the first place, I didn't particularly like you when I said the statement but you should see where I was coming from.
There is already so much hate in the world, why would I want to add to the already overbearing load?
And you know? Forgiving someone lifts a weight of your shoulders, makes you feel lighter, more free. ❞

❝ Thankyou, Taehyung. ❞
Jungkook said, smiling brightly.

❝ you look just like a bunny when you smile, kook! ❞

❝ Hyung, me and Yeonjun made up! ❞

Jungkook was tackled into a hug by Soobin as soon as he entered his house.

❝ oh, yeah? That's amazing, how'd that happen?❞

❝ I apologized to him, admitted my mistakes and owned up to them.
I also realized that I don't own Yeonjun, as boyfriends we might feel a sense of belonging to each other but we aren't actually each other's property.

Jungkook was slightly take back by the maturity Soobin was showing, it made him realize how much he has grown.

❝ we aren't a couple again but we're starting over, a relationship turns toxic, when the people partaking don't get space to breathe and make their own choices, having a civil and mature conversation with Yeonjun made me introspect, I've realized what I've been doing wrong and won't let my jealousy and insecurities get the best of me again.❞

❝ people don't change overnight, you do know that, right?❞
Jungkook asked, raising his eyebrow.

❝ I know, I'm not saying that I'll turn into a perfect person overnight but isn't life all about trying? ❞

❝ how'd you undergo this insane amount of character development within two days?❞
Jungkook asked amused and curious.

❝ sometimes, all you need is a slap on the face from someone you love. ❞

❝ y'know Soobin, I apologized to someone today.❞
Jungkook stated, feeling giddy and happy once the picture of a familiar baby tiger clouded his mind.

❝ No Way! I can't remember the last time you apologized, hyung! ❞

❝ That's because I haven't, I've never apologized to someone sincerely before. ❞

❝ how'd you go through such an immense amount of character development in two days, Hyung?❞
Soobin teased, nugging his hyung.

Jungkook rolled his eyes and playfully pushed the younger.

His eyes raked across the star filled sky, appreciating the celestial bodies that twinkled and shined, reminding him of Taehyung's blinding smile.

He pointed at the brightest star that captured his attention and named him Taehyung.

He finds solace in Taehyung's presence, he feels accepted, he feels understood.

Could Taehyung be the Salvation he was awaiting?

Short chapter, yayyyWhat's your favorite colour?Please vote!Stay safe and have the day you deserve, Queen and kings!-S🥀

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Short chapter, yayyy
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Stay safe and have the day you deserve, Queen and kings!

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