𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟎

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❝You Kill-killed your F-father? ❞
Taehyung asked, eyes wide open, disbelief pooling his mind.

❝Yeah and I don't regret it in the least. ❞
Jungkook said, voice unamused and unbothered.

❝Will you leave me, run away from me, Now that you know my darkest secret?❞
Jungkook questioned, eyes darkening and his hold on Taehyung's wiast tightening painfully.

❝No, I'll love you regardless. ❞
Taehyung announced, knowing that he won't be able to leave Jungkook even If he murdered a puppy.

❝Was your father abusive? ❞
Taehyung questioned, carefully.

❝ huh! 'Abuse' is trivializing the torture he bestowed on my mother and I, we died so many times in one lifetime under his control. ❞
Jungkook said, closing his eyes to control his breathing and rising anger.

❝My body is riddled with scars underneath these tattoos, they act as a mask to cover up my upbringing and past. I didn't have them engraved to look cool. ❞
Jungkook rasped out, voice breaking.

❝ 'Rather be dead than cool.
Jungkook mumbled as Taehyung's eyes fell on his tatted body.

The tattoos hid stories darker than our capabilities to imagine, countless tears and immeasurable pain was what the ink of the tattoos consisted.

Jungkook's pain was engraved on his body, no matter how many layers of tattoos mask the proof of the atrocities, they're still fresh in his mind and flesh.

❝He was a drug addict, An alcoholic with a fucked up brain, he used to beat me and my mother to half death.
I've spent more of my childhood in hospital than in school.
He had theses W-whips and belts he'd hit me with, poured wax on my body and didn't let me eat for days.
Used to lock me up in a dark room all alone with nothing but me and my vocal mind, the voices th-they told me to kill-❞

Tears traveled down Taehyung's eyes and he physically flinched upon hearing the abuse Jungkook went through, almost as if he was experiencing everything himself.

Taehyung kissed Jungkook all over his face as a sign of reassurance, he wanted Jungkook to know that he wasn't alone anymore.

He had Taehyung.

❝I was Fourteen when he Snapped, he found out that my mother was having an affair. ❞
Jungkook whispered, eyes ablaze.

❝Having a woman cheat on you is one thing and turning a woman lesbian is another, That Bastard who had raped my mother countless times, finally killed her.
Two shots to the heart, the woman my mother loved committed suicide after getting notified about the ordeal. ❞
Jungkook said, eyes brimming with unshed tears.

❝I had failed my mother but I decided that even though I ceased to protect her, I'd avenge her.
While that fucker was stranding there stunned, I kicked the gun out of his hands and pressed it to his chest.❞

Jungkook was physically here, sitting beside Taehyung but mentally he was far far away, reliving the whole experience.

❝Do you know what he said to me, just before I pulled the trigger?❞ Jungkook chuckled humourlessly before continuing

❝he asked me to spare his life, said Even God gives out second chances! ❞
A crazed laughter escaped Jungkook's lips and his eyes appeared dazed.

❝Do you know, what I replied with? ❞
Jungkook questioned rhetorically, making Taehyung gulp out of anticipation.

❝God who resides contently at heaven may give out second chances but Humans who've been dragged through hell fucking dont! ❞
Jungkook growled, the unfortunate night still fresh in his mind.

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