𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑𝟑

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(18+ ᴍᴀᴛᴜʀᴇ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇɴᴛ)

>( 𝟏 Yᴇᴀʀ Lᴀᴛᴇʀ )
21st of October, 2022.

The Glistening Moonlight illuminated the Otheriwse Dark night along with the Numerous Gleaming Candles that adorned the Fabricated Structure which was to behold a Very Pious Ceremony.

Normally, A Wedding Ceremony would take place in the most Extravagant of Banquets with Countless spectators and the finest of delicacies and decorations.
It was justified as A wedding should be special and Memorable.

-But What may be very special to many,
Might not interest those who look at life a little differently, People who like to search for beauty in Minscule things and continue being ignorant to materialistic happiness.

Taehyung and Jungkook didn't want their wedding to replicate the Lavish, Exquisite Weddings that were extremely common in the privileged side of South Korea.

The blinding spark of Silver laced Invitations, Gold plated Cutlery and Diamond adorned Chandeliers were not the pinnacles the love they shared stood on, They didn't want to indulge in a School of thought that didn't express their credentials and beliefs.

So, The Large Chandeliers were replaced by Delicate Candles.
Diamonds and Pearls were overshadowed by Fragrant flowers and the Closed Banquet bled into An Temporary wedding stage on the Glimmering Beach somewhere in the Exterior of Seoul.

The Crashing of the waves and the Sound of the refreshing wind served as An orchestra as the The Moonlight fell upon the Beautiful Aisle making it glisten and appear even more Bewitching than it already was.

Instead of Inviting Numerous Guests that didn't give a single fuck about their Well-Being but would have attended Just because of Jungkook's status,
The Young Couple kept the wedding extremely Exclusive and only invited people who's vibe matched their own.

Taehyung's Heart was beating erratically as he awaited for his turn to Walk down the aisle and into Jungkook's inviting arms.
There wasn't any Nervousness or Anxiety bubbling in his stomach rather it was Excitement that was overriding his system.

This was Everything he ever desired,
He couldn't begin to fathom how blessed he must be by the Heavens to be able to marry the love of his life.
-But Taehyung had earned these blessings, He has earned his 'happily Ever After.'

Taehyung played with his Engagement Ring out of impatience, This was Unarguably one of the most unforgettable nights of his life along with the very Night on which Jungkook had asked him to be his Partner for life.

The twinkle in Jungkook's eyes when he Nervously stuttered the Proposal and The Mesmerizing smile that Ghosted Jungkook's lips after Taehyung had ecstatically Agreed to spend his life with him would always Haunt Taehyung's mind.

Love is such a Terrifyingly Beautiful phenomenon.

Namjoon would do the Honor of walking Taehyung down the aisle and the latter wouldn't have it any other way, In someway Taehyung's life mingled with Jungkook's because of Namjoon and his persistent behavior.

-And for that Taehyung would always be in His Elder brother's debt.

Namjoon's deep voice rasped as he made his way into Taehyung's car which was parked just outside the beach.

❝The Wedding Bells have rung, Tae.❞
Namjoon Teased, taking his younger brother's hand in his own.

Taehyung's eyes gleamed as he stepped out of the car and admired his brother's dimpled smile that he had not inherited, Namjoon was always so warm and Homey, He had guided Taehyung like a second parent after father's demise.

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