𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑𝟎

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A spectrum of Emotions washed over Taehyung as soon as he gained consciousness, His eyes fluttered open but were graced with endless darkness, his arms were restrained and back was against a rough wooden surface.

Since, his eyesight was robbed from him by the Cotton cloth tied tightly around his eyes, his other senses were heightened and alert.

His nose scrunched upwards as the odour of Gasoline and Dried blood hit his nostrils, There was a persistenting sound of footsteps bugging Taehyung's mind, He was tied up using strong, rugged Ropes not chains but he still wasn't physically strong enough to break free from them.

He felt a feather light caress run down the side of his cheek making his shoulders tense.
Two of the culprit's fingers hooked under the knot of the Eye restraint untying it making the free cloth land on Taehyung's lap.

Taehyung's eyes squinted out of reflex as ray of unexpected sunlight fell directly on him, he raised his head only to be met with a familiar sight, he only witnessed in his worst nightmares.

Eventhough the kidnapper's face was smeared with white paint and hidden behind layers of sinister intentions,
Taehyung stared into the culprit's eyes and found the fire of Vengeance roaring within those dark orbs.

The Tall man offered Taehyung a spine chilling smile as he ran his tatted hand through his multi colored hair, still dressed up as a Altered Clown.
Taehyung eyes zeroed on one of the more prominent tattoos and a sense of familiarity pooled his mind.

He has most definitely seen that tattoo before but he couldn't put a finger on where and on whom.

He felt fear crawl up his spine as the clown got even closer but he wouldn't dare show the fear on his face, no matter how rapidly the terror is eating his insides, he Can't bless the kidnapper with that overwhelming sense of triumphant, Never.

❝Now now, Baby, why so emotionless?❞
The raspy voice of the Clown reached Taehyung's ears.

❝Could it be that you're missing your little Jungkookie?❞
The clown questioned, eyes hardening with hatred on the mention of Jeon.

❝Why would you Miss a coward, bastard like him, when I'm standing infront of your eyes?❞
The Kidnapper's hands cupped Taehyung's face, gently.

❝He's more of a man than you'll ever be, So say his name with a little respect.❞
Taehyung stated, bluntly, all fear turning volatile and evaporating from his body as soon as the clown disrespected his Jungkook.

❝Easy, Tiger.❞
The kidnapper rasped but Taehyung could sense the anger bubbling inside the former.

The Clown's eyes darted to the long rope dangling infornt of his eyes, his hand clasped around the thin rope and pulled it downwards making a Bucket of Cold water pour down on Taehyung.

The terrified boy let out a unmanly shriek as the cold water drenched him completely, his dirty clothes stuck to his body as his hair drooped downwards, Small droplets travelling down his neck.

Taehyung gasped for air as his eyes burned from contact with the rough droplets, his hands trembled and legs shook due to the cold, December winds which had entered the room through the ajar windows making the youngman shiver, uncontrollably.

❝I don't want to hurt you, Baby, cooperate with me, okay?❞
The kidnapper said, running his hands through Taehyung's silver locks, brushing them out of his eyes.

Taehyung shivered due to the unbearable cold but didn't shed a single tear of his own, He wouldn't give This clown that satisfaction.

Taehyung had faith in his Jungkook, He'll come and find him and very soon Taehyung would be back In his lover's arms, where he belongs.

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