𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟓

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Taehyung couldn't believe how such a beautiful day went downhill within minutes.

Jungkook's tongue was pressed up against his inner cheek and a murderous expression was painted across his face.

Jungkook kicked the man's head repeatedly, blood gushing out of the newly made wounds.
Jungkook bashed his stomach in, making the poor boy cough blood.

One last punch to the nose and he was knocked unconscious.

Taehyung and Jungkook stared into each other's eyes as the rest of the people stared at them.

Taehyung couldn't recognize the Jungkook that was infront of his eyes.
This wasn't his Jungkook.
His Jungkook's doe eyes sparkeled with love but this one's were ablaze out of anger.
His Jungkook lips curled up to form the cutest bunny smile but this one's were forming a psychotic smirk.
His Jungkook's hands caressed his skin softly but this one's were bloody and bruised, curled into fists.

His Jungkook made him feel safe and protected but this one makes fear pool in his heart.

Fear for his Jungkook.

Taehyung broke they're staring and rushed towards the injured man scared that Jungkook killed him, infront of multiple witnesses.

Taehyung crouched down next to the unconscious man and checked his pulse and pressed his fingers against his neck.

Luckily, he was still alive.

Before he could comprehend the situation, he was being lifted up in the air and thrown over a broad shoulder.
A whimper left Taehyung's mouth due to Jungkook's painful grip on his thigh.

When Jungkook saw Taehyung walk towards that fucker, his blood boiled with anger.

Voices in his head screamed at him making his skin crawl.

look Jungkook, Taehyung didn't tend to your wounds, he walked to the injured man.

he's afraid of you!

he'll leave you, he won't be yours forever.

he'll leave you, abandon you, leave you behind, all alone.

Jungkook felt excruciating pain in head,
Taehyung would leave him, Taehyung didn't tend to his wounds, Taehyung cares about a stranger more than him.

He approached Taehyung and threw him on his shoulder, nails digging into his thighs.
Jungkook was seething.

He pushed Taehyung into the car and turned to walk towards the driver's seat
But small hands clutched his grey shirt.
He shifted his gaze to the petite boy, whose pretty eyes pooled with unwashed tears and lips formed a cute pout.

One traitor tear escaped Taehyung's beautiful eyes and down his cheek, almost as a painful caress and that single tear overpowered all the voices in Jungkook's head, his anger evaporated as one tear become two and two tears became too many to count.

Taehyung was crying for him not because of him.

Taehyung was bawling at this point as Jungkook's volatile anger evaporated completely.

❝ Baby... ❞
Jungkook whispered, crouching down and bringing Taehyung in his warm embrace.

Taehyung failed, he promised he'd help Jungkook but he became the cause of one of his outbursts.
Jungkook needed his help, he needed love and Taehyung was scared, so scared for Jungkook.

Fighting for control with your own mind isn't everybody's forte but Jungkook seemed so habitual, so familiar with the breakdowns.
It broke Taehyung's heart.

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