𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟗

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Jungkook's blood boiled with anger and jealousy when he saw Taehyung talking to that fucker.

Park Bogum.

He hated Bogum's guts and to his dismay Bogum has Transferred to his college mid semester and is now being shown around by his Taehyung.

Jungkook just wanted to wipe that smirk off his face, to punch his face again and again, till he won't be capable of smirking even if he wanted to.

Park Bogum has a gang under his control and has been striving to conquer Bangtan for a long ass time.

Jungkook's hands involuntarily curled into fists and were begging to be met with Bogum's Pathetic face, his eyes darkened dangerously when Bogum tried to touch Taehyung.

Taehyung on the other hand was bored as fuck, he didn't have any interest in showing a new student around for the past hour but he had to, chairman's order.

To him, Park Bogum was a handsome, mildly funny, extra curious youngman.
He made some pretty decent Jokes but Taehyung had a lot of assignments he was supposed to complete instead of becoming a fucking tour guide for a grown ass man who can definitely show himself around.

Taehyung felt fingers brush his shoulder, gently, bringing him out of his train of thoughts.

His eyes widened when he realized that Bogum was inside his personal bubble, staring at him intently with hooded eyes.

He eyes followed Bogum's movements, mind too suprised to actually do something about the closeness.
He watched as Bogum's hand made it's way to his cheek but before Bogum's fingers could graze his skin, he was pushed away from him completely.

Taehyung's view of Bogum was blocked completely by a broad back, one he recognized immediately.


❝ Jeon.❞
Bogum acknowledged, irritated.

Jungkook growled, the single word laced with venom.

Bogum's scrutinizing gaze flickered between a furious Jungkook and the pretty boy hidden behind his back, his eyes widened with realization, Jeon jungkook has a Boyfriend.

He whispered, subconsciously, mind still processing the newly discovered information.

Jungkook leaned closer to Bogum and grabbed his collar, jerking his head forward, he whispered something incoherent to him, making Taehyung huff as he was a forever curious person.

❝ He's mine, if I see you talking to him again, your ass is done. ❞
Jungkook whispered, making sure Taehyung doesn't hear.

❝Oh yeah? He's really tempting tho, with those pink pouty lips, I wonder what they taste like?❞
Bogum whispered back, eyes settled on the silver beauty.

Jungkook's eyes darkened with rage as he lifted his fist to bash Bogum's face but retreated his hand once he caught the sight of the Chairman out of his peripheral vision.

❝ You're so fucking lucky, I met you under these circumstances but get this through your thick skull that if I ever, ever, see you in the streets, I'll have your fucking head!❞

Jungkook growled out, grabbing Taehyungs hand which was covered with the sleeve of his yellow hoodie and walking out of the literature department.

❝ Jungkook! Kookie calm down. ❞
Taehyung whisper yelled, looking at the furious expression painted across Jungkook's handsome face.

Jungkooks head hurt, a deep voice which he recognized as his own, kept whispering the same word to him over and over.

Mine, Mine, Mine, Mine, Mine, Mine.

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