𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟏

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Acceptance paves the way for redemption.

Jungkook has accepted the fact that his Hometown is acquainted with the burning memories of his fucked up past.

-But somehow an inner turmoil has taken birth in his mind.
He wants to associate Busan with Beautiful memories and moments, he doesn't want to remember it as an unfortunate place but rather relive the solace it has to offer.

❝Would you go on a Trip to Busan with me? ❞
Jungkook asked, making Taehyung look up from his phone and give him a confused look.

❝Busan? Are you sure?❞
Taehyung questioned, knowing fully well how a beautiful place turns into a haunted house due to the Past experience and memories associated with it.

❝Oui, I have already accepted the past, now I want to move on and make unforgettable memories in Busan.❞
Jungkook answered, wrapping his arms around Taehyung's petit waist.

❝well, y'know I'll go wherever you take me, if me visiting Busan with you makes you happy, so be it.❞
Taehyung answered, pecking Jungkook's cheeks.

Jungkook smiled Brightly, trying to recall how Busan looked like.
He's sure that he'll never forget this trip because he's sharing it with the Love of his life.

The wind Blew the fallen leaves to Neverland as Jungkook's hair danced to the Rhythm of the wind.

Busan is even more beautiful that Jungkook imagined.
Pity that he couldn't experience the magic of his Birthplace in his childhood.

The plane ride was exhausting but the welcoming aura around Busan compensated for the fatigue.
Jungkook and Taehyung were walking towards their hotel as they didn't want to take a Cab and miss the sightseeing.

Jungkook's eyes raked over his Ethereal Boyfriend but Narrowed on his Exposed collarbones.

The white loose shirt was falling over one of his shoulders as Taehyung enthusiastically captured pictures of the scenic beauty of Busan.

Jungkook's blood boiled when he saw a couple of Teenagers staring in Taehyung's direction, their filthy eyes raking over Taehyung's figure.

Jungkook enclasped his hands around Taehyung's wrist, roughly pulling him towards a secluded alley.
Either Busan or Seoul, you always find alley's to commit sinister business in.

❝Jungkook? Kookie, slow down. ❞
Taehyung said, confused by the sudden aggression.

Jungkook pushed Taehyung against the newly painted wall and grasped the loose shirt buttoning it upto the last button, making It Non revealing, covering every last inch of Taehyung's chest.

❝ Don't you Dare, Expose your skin, again.❞
Jungkook growled, looking Taehyung dead in the eye.

Jungkook is very possessive, He hates sharing and won't ever share Taehyung with anyone.
If someone else was to lay their hands on Taehyung's smooth, tanned skin,
Jungkook would kill them and he isn't playing around.

Jungkook smashed his lips on Taehyung's soft ones, inciting a beautiful moan from the younger.

Jungkook squeezed Taehyung's ass making him gasp in suprise, taking the opportunity Jungkook shoved his tongue inside Taehyung's mouth, exploring the wet carven.

Jungkook's face dropped to Taehyung's nape where he licked Taehyung's swet spot before sinking his sharp teeth into the soft flesh, earning whimpers and broken moans from a dazed Taehyung.

Jungkook pulled away and wiped a few escaped tears from Taehyung's innocent eyes before bringing his face besides Taehyung's ears.

❝You're mine and the only person who gets to see and taste your skin is me.
Understood, Babyboy?❞
Jungkook growled out, biting Taehyung's ear.

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