𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟓

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The club reeked of alcohol and cigarettes, the loud music blasted throughout the otherwise silent street.
People making out with unknown people, hands travelling under unfamiliar waistbands, tongues exploring undiscovered territory.

Hoseok had managed to convince Jungkook to partake in the party thrown by one of their childhood friend for Old time's sake.

The people inside the sketchy club in one of the must frowned upon streets of Busan were going wild.
Dancing and drinking as if there is no tomorrow, perhaps, there won't be one for some of them.

Taehyung wasn't interested in what the club had to offer.
His attention was caught by the Park just outside the unappealing club.

He didn't stop Jungkook from attending the party nor did he express his distaste, A healthy relationship offers room for making personal decisions.

-And moreover, He Trusts Jungkook.

The solitude the secluded park provided brought warmth to Taehyung's raging heart.
The lone swings craved for someone to share the wind with and Taehyung craved for someone to Take his worries away.

The empty swings pulled Taehyung towards them as his legs moved involuntarily, he sat down on the surprisingly comfortable swing, swinging his legs forward and backward causing the swing to accelerate and move from it's initial position.

The cold November wind kissed Taehyung's face as a gentle smile appeared on his lips.
Somehow, the minimal things bring Taehyung more Joy than the grandest endeavours.

The late night moon shone bright, the stars twinkled in a synchronized rhythm making Taehyung's greedy eyes gleam with fascination.

If you take time out to notice, the universe is an incredibly beautiful place.

Taehyung moved his legs a little faster causing the swing to lift higher.
The flowers adorning the park smiled at the ethereal boy as Taehyung's mind got clouded with the thoughts of His Boyfriend.

Jeon Jungkook.
Just the mere name makes Taehyung's heart skip sixteen beats at once.
Jungkook makes Taehyung feel Alive.
Taehyung doesn't want to do anything with his life, if Jungkook isn't a part of it.

Taehyung has a Fetish for Jungkook's love.

Some might attest that it is quite absurd to Hand somebody your heart in a platter, hoping they would cherish it instead of breaking it.

-But Taehyung and Jungkook were Fools in love.

The idea of somebody else loving and knowing Jungkook the way Taehyung does, doesn't sit well with Taehyung.
For the most part, Taehyung does empathize with Hoseok but he wouldn't tolerate anybody fucking his relationship up.

He was broken out the trance he was in by the sound of footsteps approaching the swing besides his own, he turned around to see the newly arrived companion and his eyes locked with familiar doe ones.

Jungkook sat down on the swing besides Taehyung in all his glory, a pretty smile adorning his handsome face.

❝Was the party not interesting?❞
Taehyung questioned, suprised to see Jungkook.

❝The things that don't concern You, don't interest me anymore.❞
Jungkook said, kicking the rocks absentmindedly.

❝What about Hoseok?❞
Taehyung asked, aware that Hoseok had ulterior motives of inviting Jungkook to this party.

Jungkook just merely shrugged, running a tatted hand through his messy Raven locks.

Jungkook wanted to spend time with Taehyung, since Hoseok arrived he had been taking up a lot of Jungkook's time and attention and Jungkook wanted to make up for It.
he owes a lot to Hoseok, otherwise he wouldn't have agreed to everything the latter said.

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