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>(14ᴛʜ Dᴇᴄᴇᴍʙᴇʀ, 2026)

As Days Bled into Years, Jungkook and Taehyung's Home was blessed with the
Pitter-patter of two tiny feet, An Adorable babyboy who became the Moon of the two lover's eyes and the final piece in the puzzle of their life.

❝Daddy will be home soon, Bunbun.❞
Taehyung said as he encouraged his baby to draw faster.

❝Will Daddy like Guk's drawing, Appa?❞
The 4 year old boy questioned, curiosity
Pooling his glossy Doe eyes.

❝Ofcourse, Appa and Daddy adore everything Taegguk does!❞
Taehyung said, pinching his baby's chubby cheeks as the latter focused harder on his drawing.

Taehyung and Jungkook had adopted
Taegguk when the boy was Two years old, The cute baby won their hearts with a mere smile and Taehyung and Jungkook couldn't be happier,
He was the light of their life.

It was uncanny how much Taegguk resembled Jungkook and Taehyung,
It was almost as if they were his Biological parents, as if the little baby was a present from the heavens above.

The adorable boy had Big, doe eyes replicating Jungkook's, porcelain skin which glowed like the sun and a Pink hue that tainted his chubby cheeks.
Pink, plump lips and an angular nose resembling Taehyung's perfect features and that Mesmerizing Bunny smile that was a replica of Jungkook's bewitching one.

Jungkook had parted ways with his Gang an year prior to adopting Taegguk and now is a successful CEO of An accountancy firm, He got a couple new tattoos and Multiple ear piercings but his eyes still shine as bright as ever.

Taehyung runs an Art and photography studio which gained a lot of popularity in a short amount of time, Captivating spectators with the beauty of his art peices that were almost as mesmerizing as the Artist himself.

Taehyung's silver locks were now a vibrant shade of blue replicating dazzling Sapphire stones, His smile as boxy as ever and his eyes still Twinkle with curiosity and mischief.
He was still bubbling with life and love and wanted to make numerous memories which he'll never forget.

The Sound of the Main door closing indicated Jungkook's arrival and Taehyung and Taegguk frantically stood up with the handmade posters in their hands and a childlike innocence gracing both of the adorable boys.

Jungkook's heavy footsteps were nearing and Taehyung could almost imagine the Wide smile on his Husband's face when he witnesses this small token of love.

❝Free Hugs!❞
Taehyung and Taegguk yelled as soon as Jungkook's silhouette entered their line of vision making the older halt his footsteps.

Jungkook's tired eyed widened with sheer happiness and ecstaticness when they fell upon his two Crystals standing with adorable 'Free Hugs!' Posters and innocent smiles on their pretty faces.

Jungkook's tatted arms were open wide as he ran towards his Family with an excited laugh and embraced them into a tight embrace inciting giggles and shrieks from the two youngers.

Jungkook picked up Taegguk as the adorable baby's eyes were gleaming with joy and chest rumbling with laughter, Taehyung nuzzled his face in Jungkook's nape inhaling the heavenly scent his husband possessed.

The House was awake with the laughter and giggles of the Small family as they were sprawled all the carpeted floor, sharing the brightest points of their days and expressing the extent of how much they missed each other.

Taegguk voiced out, chubby fingers tracing the tattoo adoring his father's arm, He loved the red ink that formed the syllables of his name.

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