- Back To Work - #2

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"Eddy! What's the update on cases?"

"We are still looking into the disappearances around the area. We're still unsure why the numbers of people going missing is increasing. You came back right when we needed you my boy. You're our top detective, and I have the outmost faith that,
you boy!! - 'will find answers' and put a stop to this madness!"

why so much irony...
If only they knew what had been going on
inside my head."

But how could I tell them the truth?
They'd only think of me as a crazy broken friend...
I don't want that.

"Where to next then? Do we have a location?"

"Yes! In downtown"
"the 'shackle' zone"
"42 Millbro street.
"We will send a team to go down within the hour. Why don't you take some time to relax until everyone is ready?"

Eddy was still being too kind. Too, kind.
I can't let paranoia win.

"Sure thing."

I decided to go to my office.
It was clean...
Looked after...
Someone really took the time to take care of my office for all that time I was gone.

I'm grateful someone even cared enough to this for me.

"You guys really took care of this huh?!"

"Why of course! We knew you'd come back. So why not clean the room a little."

I'm thankful for having such caring people in my life.
I've taken it for granted...
Too many times...

...You to...

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