- "The Evil One" -

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After waking from what seemed to be a nightmare.
I went to my bathroom to relieve myself.
I heard something outside, so I headed towards my window after battling with what I had dreamt.
I opened the window and heard voices as well as others. All around.


Far away, close to me, next door...
Compiled of all different things that were relative to desires or thoughts from the past. Prayers that I thought weren't answered.
All for me to hear...

"Marry me"
"we are here"
"follow me"
"look here"

Maybe it's just my own mind, clearing out what had been flooded for years upon years. Bottling up; and now the lid has burst open.

Whenever I'm home alone, I would hear birds as if though they could speak. I'm not talking about parrots, as they can mimic words or noises they have heard.

I'm talking specifically about any kind of bird.
Sometimes... even dogs too.
Any noise really.

I hear words in each chirp. As weird and insane as it sounds... well... it is - just that!

I... am weird, and I feel as if, I am insane.

I'm already hearing voices around me, why not turn the dial up on the nutcase thermostat.
So I could have a definitive answer to why this is...

It's not just birds either, but everything else too. Any kind of animal. Noise from normal things;
Doors opening or closing, creaking...
Burps, rumbles, coughs.
Everything... and I don't know why.

I don't even know if these voices are from myself, or if they're real, or either of the two.

If they're good voices, or bad ones.

Everywhere I looked, there was nothing but a dark blue sky - fading light.
I could never fully capture all of those things that I heard.
I just know it came from everywhere outside, including that bird shed next door.

"I don't understand"
"If you are there, then why can't I see you?"

"go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go"

"What? You want to me to go somewhere?"


"I don't know about that... I still don't know if I can trust you. Or who to trust, which voice to trust, which person..."

"Everything is just too damn confusing."

"Please. We will lead"



"Didn't you hear me?"

"We heard everything"

"Who is 'we'?"

Paranoia fills my head. Do they mean everything,
as in... everything?
My thoughts...
or just my responses?
Are they watching me?

Paranoid delusions... as usual.

I came across ancient documents in a previous case. We found it while investigating a lead on cultist activities. It kept mentioning "The Evil one".
Flicking through the pages, I seen it spoke on something about this "entity" corrupting and tormenting the minds of those who had known too much of its presence in this world.
At the time it sounded like a load of crap. Some dumb - scary story - you would tell someone just to give them a freight.
A campfire tale with your buddies.

The cult practiced rituals using corpses of those they had sacrificed to this... "Evil One"

- In hopes to conjure the entity.

for some purpose of power I guess...

I mean...

What would they had expected?
"The Evil One" being good to those
who worshiped it?
Giving blessings instead of curses?

Wait a second... now that I think of it - that's the same book I found on the murder investigation of Harry clover!
Are they really the reason for the missing people?
To sacrifice them to this...
Evil One?
Is that why... I'm hearing voices?

Whatever their reasons for this; it wasn't good.

We are still yet to uncover who or what - the cult is, what their motives are and how to stop them once and for all.

If these voices are from 'The Evil One' himself;
'self claimed God'
will not stop until it takes what does not belong to it...

The lives of others.
Their minds and hearts.
Perhaps their souls as well.

He will not stop until everyone's filled with
hate, envy, betrayal, hypocrisy, sadness,
Everything that is evil.
Everything... that we shouldn't be.
For anyone he manages to take a firm hold on anyway.
Their minds will be broken.

If these voices are good...
I'm still afraid.

I don't understand any of this.

"You need to leave"
"Go. now!"

"Why should I leave?"

The word "stop" was heard screaming beside me. I'm unsure of its intended pursuit.
While I'm on a pursuit for happiness and clarity, a grasp of peace...
I'm still here...
laced with doubt and confusion. All signs of something wrong, but who's wrong? What is wrong?
The voices? Or me?
Is it both?
Do I need to leave or not?
Leave home?
Leave my job?
Leave this world by means of suicide?
What do you mean?????

"We are here"
"Seb! Stop!"

I still know nothing...
Why are there holes within my memories..?
Why can't I remember?

...in yourself...

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