- Back To Work - #3

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As I shuffled old books and case files aside, I noticed a case I had faintly remembered.
It was a break-in and murder of a man named
'Harry Clover'
I remembered a book I found at the scene... but...
What ever happened to it?
Why can't I remember?

As I overthought about the previous case, I completely lost track of time. I was too busy reminiscing to realise an hour
had almost already passed.

I took a final look around my desk.
Notes about evidence, pens, photos of lost ones I had close to me.
My mother...

"Mom... I miss you more than you know. I remember your loving nature. Your immense care of others, and I could never forget that loud ass contagious laugh of yours. It still pains me that you're gone. I just hope you're safe and being looked after, like my desk haha... wherever you are. I love you mom. I always will."


"I hope you're still proud of me."

It was an emotional moment. Although, I kept my cool.
I didn't let emotions get the better of me this time.
I couldn't...

"Seb, we're ready to leave. Just come out and meet us when you're ready."

"I'm coming now."

The team and I set forth on a drive toward Downtown, Millbro street.
With thumping headaches with no cause to why it was happening. I felt uncomfortable to say the least. I felt I wasn't ready for what we were about to see.

As we approached our destination, Joyce alerts us.

"A family reported this case a few hours ago, they sounded in distress. I just hope we weren't too late... why did we take so long to get here??"

"Don't beat yourself up Joyce. We'll find what's been going on, and resolve it. We always do."

Even Joyce had self deprecating thoughts.
Everyone doubts themselves and puts themselves down I suppose.
We're only human.

Yet again...
Why did we arrive so late?
Eddy usually puts the order out right away.

Like I said; "were only human"
People make mistakes I guess.

"This looks like the place. Some of our guys are already here."


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