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"Get yo bitch ass up!" I was yanked out of bed by my hair. I opened my eyes to evil ass foster father. He walked out my room and I started getting ready for school. I've been stuck in foster homes ever since I was born.

I have no clue who my mother is but I do know my father. His names David Brewster.  Four years ago he gave me a picture of him that I always had and never let go.

He told me the reason I was in foster care was because he wasnt ready for kids and wasnt in the right state of mind. He promised that when he finally got in the right state of mind he'd come back and get me.

Hasn't happens yet. I held onto his promise and hoped I'd be able to go home with him. It never happened. Looking in the mirror at myself I looked at the many bruises on my body.

My foster father, Jeremy is abusive and a rapist. Sometimes he rapes me on his own or he pimps me out. I just can't wait until I finally get enough money to buy my own apartment.

I've been saving my money since I was 15. I got a job at a nearby diner. I've been stuck in Harlem New York. I heard my dad moved from LA to New York and I just had to make sure I was moved down here.

My old foster mother, Sabrina died from Alzheimers and cancer when I was 16. She was the best mother I ever had. I never considered her as my foster mother but my actual mother because she raised me.

I found some concealer and rubbed it on me to hide the bruises. I wanted to seem normal even though I wasn't. I have two friends. Kacey and Lexus.

They've been my friends ever since I moved down here and they've been the best. They know everything. From my father to the rape I've been through.

I then get dressed for school. I find something that's not too revealing but is also not covering up everything. I feel so uncomfortable wearing anything that shows my skin but I have to do it so that I seem somewhat normal.

If word got out about my abusive he said he'd kill me and I don't want that. I take my picture of my father from off the wall. He visited me almost all the time but when I was 14 he stopped and i have no idea why.

I loved his visits but I hadn't seen him since.

"Hey Dad!" Jada hugged her father. "Wassup J! How you been?" He asked her as they went to her bedroom. "I'm doing pretty good. Sabrina got me some new stuff. Wanna see?" Jada asked him and he nodded.

Excitedly she took out all of her new outfits and jewelry. "Look. I got all of this for my birthday!" Her eyes twinkled. He smiled lookin the sparkle in her eyes everytime she saw him.

"This is nice." He said picking up all her jewelry. She nodded and sat down. "Daddy I love Sabrina. But when am I gonna finally be able to come home with you?" She asked him and he sighed.

"I'm honestly not in the right mindset for a kid at the moment. I gotta do some stuff but until then just remember that I'll always come back to you. I promise." He said tapping my nose and I giggled.

His phone rang and she saw a girl on the phone and frowned. She looked nearly just like him. "Wassup Kai." Kai? "Uh gimme an hour." Then he hung up. "Who's Kai?" Jada asked him and looked everywhere but at her.

"My younger sister." He said and Jada nodded. He stayed another hour and then he left leaving ger already missing him.

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