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"That nigga did what?" Kacey shouted once August got his shit he left and i called Kacey in tears. "Man that nigga must wanna die today." Lexus said pacing the living room. "Its whatever. He left and thats that. Im gonna continue doing what the fuck I'm doing." I said lighting up a blunt and smoking it.

I passed it to Lexus and he basically smoked the whole thing on his own. "Man I'm pissed beyond fucking words." He said and i sighed. Kacey was mugging the blunt that was in his hands.

"For once in your life can you stop smoking?" She snapped. I looked between the two curiously. "Man cut the shit. Im not in the mood to be aruging with yo simple ass." Lexus sucked his teeth.

"Sim- okay i got suin for yo ass." Kacey stormed out the house and i looked at Lexus. "Lex? What's up with y'all two?" I asked him and he sighed. "She been gettin on me about my blunts." He mumbled.

"Maybe you should stop." I shrugged and he mugged me. "No. Its my damn life." He said inhaling the smoke. "Lexus if i were you I'd chill on the smoking." I said and he shook his head standing up and he left without another word.

Sitting on the bed i sighed. My life was coming to complete dead end. Was it even worth hurting Dave? Probably not. I done lost my boyfriend over this petty shit. I just feel alone and i hate feeling this way.

"Mommy?" Kehlani asked. I picked her up. "Stop crying." She said wiping my tears and i smiled sadly at her. "Mommy just feels alone. I did some stupid things."  I mumbled and she looked at me. "Im here. Your not alone." I smiled and kissed her forehead. "You hungry?"


For the rest of the day i sat with my daughter and played with her. Kehlani was my heart and i didn't want her get caught up in all this. I called Von and handed the gang life to him. I couldn't endanger my daughter.

Baby Aug: wyd

Me: leave me alone. Idc any more i got more shit to worry abt. Like my daughter.

I put him on mute and then put my phone away. I got Lani dressed for bed and then i went in my room to sleep myself.



"Dave this whole thing never would've happened if you wasn't hiding stuff from me. I can't go on with this." Karin said tears falling. "I love you so much i really do but everyday im finding something out about you. You killed that girls aunt when that was all she had left of her mother. I already feel like shit for hurting her mom." She cried.

Dave told Karin he wanted to talk and so far their talk wasn't looking good. "Damm Karin! Fuck you want me to do? I can't change the past." He yelled and she jumped slightly. "But you can change the present and the future." She cried and Dave rolled his eyes.

"Jada is dead to me. She threatened my family." He argued. Dave didn't want to hear what Karin had to say. He felt like it was Julissa's fault. She should've been a mother and not a bona fide hoe.

"How can you say that? She's your daughter she didn't ask to be here!" Karin shouted. Dave scoffed. "Karin i honestly could kill her with my bare hands. I hate her." He said hate with so much force Karin felt different about him.

This wasn't the same Dave that wanted to keep his daughter close. No. This Dave wanted his daughter dead.

Karin mugged him. "Next time my daughter finds a guy in the park. I'll make sure to run." She said leaving the park and to her car. She drove off crying.

Karin hated herself for so many things. She hated Dave because if how he felt towards Jada and what he said. This wasn't the same man she married and she chose to get the divorce papers ready. How could she be with a man who hates his own child for no reason?

Karin just couldn't wrap her head around it all. She knew Jada felt alone. She knew that besides her friends Jada had nobody. Jada didn't even fully trust Karin and her siblings yet.

Jada was broken in ways nobody could see and all she wanted was for somebody to see. Jada wanted nothing more than to end her life. End all the pain she's been going through. But she couldn't because somebody had to be here for Kehlani so she made herself a promise.

When Kehlani turned 18 Jada would kill herself and that would the end of it all. All the pain and rejection. Everything.

Only thing Jada didn't know was that she would be doing that very soon.


"That bitch ripped my entire family apart!" Dave shouted. "And im gonna rip hers. One by one." He cocked his gun getting ready to kill. "Dad your taking this too far." DJ said.

After his mother came home in tears breaking down DJ paid his father a visit in his new home. "DJ stay out of this and don't tell anyone anything." Dave warned.

"So you expect me to stay quiet while you go kill my sister? I think the think not." He said and Dave groaned walking out and into his car. He drove off towards Kacey's house. He had everything planned. First Kacey, then Lexus, then August and then Kehlani. Jada would be left vulnerable with nobody and Dave wouldn't care.

Only he didn't know that doing this was really gonna tear his family apart.

Outside he saw Kacey and Lexus fighting outside and he smirked. "I can kill two birds with one stone." He mumbled. He pointed his gun at Kacey but Lexus saw and grabbed her away from the bullet. It hit the back of his head and Kacey screamed.

She looked up and saw Dave with the gun. Screaming the ran into the house and she dodged the bullets. "Fuck!" He shouted. He got out and looked at Lexus.

"Jada....will....never....forgive you." He said spitting out blood. "Oh shut up!" He spat and stomped his face in. He took out his knife and went into Kacey's apartment. He killed her parents and shot at Kacey.

"Kacey!" Jada's frantic voice shouted over the phone. "Im comin-" Dave turned her phone off and left the apartment and parked a few blocks down from her apartment waiting for Jada.

Within 10 minutes Jada came and Dave held his gun positioned for Jada but she felt someone watching her and dodged the bullet while carring a screaming and crying Kehlani. Jada took out her handgun and sent a quick prayer before shooting back at Dave.

Running out of bullets he drove off and Jada saw Lexus's dead body. "No!" She screamed. She called 911 and figured he was trying to kill Kehlani. "Mommy! My arm!" She screamed.

Jada looked at her arm and saw blood. It wasn't bad just a graze. Jada quickly patched her up and sped to Karins house.

"Jada wh-"

"WHERE IS HE!" She screamed. Everyone looked at Jada as Kehlani cried. "He killed them! He shot both my friends and tried to kill my child! I want him dead he's gotta fucking go!" Jada screamed Cherish and Kairi calmed her down enough.

Dave then walked through the door and Jada punched and kicked him. "Why?" She screamed. "What did i ever do?" She cried. Jada wasn't herself and nobody knew what else to do.

Dave theb punched Jada in her face making DJ stand up. "Man you done lost yo mind!" He yelled. "Mommy!" Kehlani ran to Jada and Dave yanked her arm. Thata when the girls stood up.

"Dad! Your insane give her to me!" Kairi shouted. But Dave didn't listen he took out hid knife and Jada's eyes widened. "No!" She shouted and everyone ran to grab Lani and successfully did.

Dave then blacked out. He fought DJ making him pass out. He beat all the girls but since Karin dealt with that she didn't pass out like Cherish and Kairi. "Mommy! Grandma!" Kehlani shouted as she saw the knife.

Dave stabbed her and Jada wanted nothing more than to die too.

Hey guys guess whos BACKKKKK 😝😝😝

Thoughts on all dat??

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