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After staying in the hospital for weeks I was finally discharged and I never felt so empty. My bump got smaller but it wasnt entirely gone. I'm having a small service and I'm gonna bury her on my own.

I found a small patch of dirt at the park. Me, Kacey and Lexus were there and we buried her. We sat around the dirt patch and talked about all the amazing things we could've done with her.

"We would've gotten her nails done and her hair--"

"All you do is talk bout gettin hair and nails done. Talk bout sum the fuck else. The fuck!" Lexus said and I smile at the two going back and forth.

I then had a little vision about something.

"Mommy come find me!" Jeremiah shouted. Jada went to look for him and found him behind a tree. "Found you!" Jada said and her 5 year old son ran to her. "Aw baby. You hungry? Let's go get a snack." Jada took Jeremiah inside the house and they made a fruit bowl they shared.

"Mommy I like pineapple." Jeremiah said and Jada smiled. "I like all types of fruit except Kiwi." Jada said and together they ate their fruit laughing all the while. It was just a happy moment.

I came back to reality and rubbed my stomach and frowned. What the hell? Was all that I thought. It was like new people popped up each and every day. "Ready to go?" Lexus asked me and I nodded.

We all then drove to my apartment. "I wanna be alone." I said and got out the car without a second word. I made it inside and I laid on my couch.

I felt exhausted but hungry and I really wanted some fruits. I looked through my fridge and found no fruit so I went out to the store.

I wanted the oranges but I couldn't reach them. "Here you go." A boy got them down for me and I smiled.

"Thanks." I said getting the oranges. He smiled at me. "Fa sho." I smiled. He ain't look bad either.

"Your that girl that got knocked up right?" He asked and I nodded

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"Your that girl that got knocked up right?" He asked and I nodded. He licked his lips and I felt myself growing hot.

"Rumor you passed out. Baby good?" He asked and I smiled. He's worried about my baby?

"Uh, no she passed." I mumbled lookin down and he held my chin up. "Don't look down. Not good for ya." He said and I nodded.

"August." He said and I smiled. "Jada." He pointed to the fruit. "Mind if I join you?" I shrugged and he paid for my stuff.

He followed me in his car to my house. The whole time I felt somewhat special. He was hot and he knew I was pregnant but ain't give me a hard time.

When we finally pulled up to my house he carried the bags into the house. "I like the theme color." He said looking around and I smiled.

"Thanks." I went into the kitchen and started cutting the fruit. "Parents home?" Instantly my smile dropped.

"I live alone." I mumbled and put the fruit in two bowls. He walked into the kitchen and grabbed my waist pulling me away from the counter.

I frowned and looked at him. "I was doing something ya know?" I said moving his hands. He chuckled and it sent chills down my spine.

We took the fruit into the living room and I turned on the TV. "What ya wanna watch?" I asked him.

"You ever watch Insatiable on Netflix?" I asked after a long silence. "No. Turn it on." I turned the show on and we cuddled watching tv.

I know I'm getting attached too damn fast but all I need and want is a friend at the moment. I have Lexus and Kacey but I also want a different friend.

If that even makes sense.

I was eating my grape when I felt August tracing circles on my thigh. "For a pregnant teenage girl you surely take care of yo self." He mumbled and I shrugged.

"I'm not pregnant anymore. So I did get my body back somewhat." I told him. He nodded and his phone rung.

He answered it and rolled his eyes. "Yes mom?" He asked and I went back to the TV.

"Ight." He hung up the phone and looked at me. "Gotta go. My mom needs help with furniture." He sighed and I walked him to the door.

"Thanks for comin over with me. I needed a friend." I said smiling. He smirked and kissed me. "I'm tryna be more than that." Then he left.

I smiled and shut my door feeling butterflies in my stomach. I cleaned up the kitchen and then I went to bed feeling exhausted.




Following Day...

"So then Lexus had the damn nerve to push me out the fuckin door! Like nigga yo who you pushing?" Kacey said and I laughed. She was telling me a story but I wasn't exactly paying attention my mind just kept wondering off to August.

"Boo you've been absent. What's on yo mind?" She asked. I was gonna tell her nothing but August walked up to me.

"Hey Jada. How you been?" He asked me and my face lit up. "I'm great. You?" I asked him and he shrugged. "Just helpin my mom move into her new house. Who's ya friend?" He said nodding his head to Kacey.

"This is my best friend Kacey. Kacey this a friend of mine, August." I introduced.

They shook hands and he instantly looked back at me. "Well I'll see you round." He kissed my cheek and walked away.

"Okay. Now I know where yo minds been at. Lunch your spillin." She said and we walked off to History.




"That's how we met." I told Kacey and Lexus everything and they smiled. "Ima get a soda." I got up and went to pay for the soda but August beat me to it.

"I appreciate it but I can pay for it on my own." I said opening the can. He shrugged. "Jus feel like provin the nigga who knocked you up wrong. He lost a real one." Then he walked away and I felt so good about myself.

Walking back to my table I saw Kacey and Lexus making out and I dropped my soda making them stop. "Jada.." Lexus said and I shook my head.

I ran out the cafeteria and into the bathroom. I locked myself in a stall and cried.

Everyone lied to me. My fucking father and now my two best and only friends. "Jada let us explain." I heard Kaceys voice. I cleaned myself up and ignored her.

"Jada I would've told you but-"

"How long?" I asked her. "Bout three months." She mumbled and I slapped her. She looked at me with so much regret.

"Everyday I have people lying to me. My own father fucking lied to me and you were sitting there when he admitted that shit! Now my only two best friends are going behind my fuckin back, lying to me!" I yelled.

She looked at me with tears in her eyes. "I wouldn't have cared that y'all datin but y'all two been lying for three fucking months! Why?" I yelled.

"I was afraid to lose you b-because of the pact we made." She cried. "Man fuck that pact! What about the one we made when we first met. To never lie. You broke it. I cared way more for that one."

She tried to hug me but I pushed her away. "Just leave me alone. Both of you." I left the bathroom and went to my locker, making myself look sick so I could go home early.

"Hey you good?" I heard Augusts voice and he hugged me. I cried into his chest and he held me. "My two best friends been lyin to me." I said and he just rubbed my back.

"I'm here for you."

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