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I sat on the couch watching movies with August. I turned my phone off so Lexus and Kacey couldn't get in touch with me. "So what happend at school?" He asked me and I ate some ice cream.

"My best friends lied to my face and been dating behind my back for 3 months." I said sniffling. He pulled me close.

"Y'all gon make up. Don't let that luh ass fight ruin y'alls friendship." He said and I laughed. "I know. But ion wanna talk to them for a little while." I said.

My stomach felt queasy and I soon ran to the bathroom and threw up. August held my hair back as I puked out everything i ate. "Stress ain't good for the baby." He said after I washed my mouth.

"There is no baby." I said rolling my eyes. August keeps assuming I'm pregnant when I told him over and over again that I'm not.

I haven't had sex with anyone to get raped and my first child is dead. "Yes there is. Yo babg bump is still there." Groaning a walked out the bathroom and into the room.

"I lost my fuckin child August! If I was havin twins they both would've been dead." I yelled and he rolled his eyes. "Calm down with that fuckin tone, ya hear?"

I rolled my eyes and sat on the bed. "Man whatever." I mumbled and he sat next to me. "Its not whatever. I'm just makin sure yo baby come out healthy." He said and I groaned again.

If I was supposed to have twins they both would've been a still born. Itd impossible for one to die and the other continue on. "Can you stop? There's no damn baby." I said laying down.

He laid next to me and I pushed him. "Theres a fuckin couch." I mumbled and he chuckled. "You not finna make me sleep on da couch." He said and I looked at him.

"Yes i am. Couch." I pointed to the room door and he laid down next to me. "Nope." I groaned and flipped onto my other side.

I felt his hands wrap around my waist and he pulled me closer to him. "Move." I mumbled. He kissed my neck. "I'm sorry, mi reina." He mumbled kissing all over my face.

I mushed his head. "Leave me alone." I tried to fight a smile but he kept on kissing me. "Not until you forgive me." He said.

I groaned. "If I forgive you will you leave me the hell alone?" He nodded. "I forgive you." He smiled but continued kissing me.

I pushed him and sat up. "Your so annoying." I mumbled. "Gimmie kiss." He poked his lips out and I slapped him. "Why you do that?" He said holding his cheek.

I shrugged and he grabbed my throat attaching his lips to mine.

He straddled my lap and his over hand squeezed my thigh making me open my mouth. He slipped his tongue in and I moaned into his mouth. This felt better than any kiss I ever had.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and he laid me down. He kissed all over my neck and then went lower. When he got to my pants someone was knocking on my door. We groaned in unison.

He got off me and I went to answer the door. I was slightly annoyed and if it was Lexus or Kacey I was gonna go off on them. I opened the door to see my dad. I rolled my eyes and mugged him.

"Fuck you want?" I spat and he flinched at my tone. "Can we talk?" He mumbled. "Who dat?" August came to the door and my dad looked at the two of us.

Sighing I let him in. "August this is my dad. Dave this is August my friend." Dad sat down and August hugged me. "Headin home." He said and left sighing I looked at him.

"Listen i know what i did was foul as fuck. I get how you feel--"

"Wrong. You dont know how the fuck I feel. If you did you wouldn't have done all the shit you did." I interrupted him.

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