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(Several months later)

I touch my round belly smiling. I was 6 months and I couldn't wait till I was gonna give birth. Nothing has been patched up betweem me and Dave. He still doesnt care but I forgave the rest of the family.

Even Kairi. Karin left my dad for a few months so he could get his shit together and maybe be a father to me. I finally was carrying a baby for longer than just 3 or 4 months. I was happy but August made sure we did everything right so we wouldnt lose this baby.

It was a girl and we settled on the name Kehlani Rose Walker. It suited her. She was a peaceful baby. She kicked when she was hungry, thirsty or I just needed to piss. But she seemed to kick extra hard whenever August was around.

Me and August are officially dating and we're planning on getting married after college but I don't think I'm going.

I'm already successful right now. Two months ago I opened up my very own clothing store and I named it, Kehlani's Summer. There was mostly summer clothes there and the prices were reasonable.

My customers could even get their own designs. Example yesterday when I checked in some lady wanted a shirt with the name Rose on it in cursive with Rose's surrounding it.

I placed her order and charged her $60 extra.

If you just want writing your charged $30 but if you want writing and a design it's $60. My shops are running perfectly.

Summer goes back to school next week and shes dreading it seeing as it's her last year of middle school.

She loves middle school and doesnt wanna leave it. Her birthday was a month or two ago and shes now 14 but some reason she still hasn't gotten her period.

Shes growing everything pretty fast. Her boobs are as big as a 15 year olds and her ass is big. Shes even thick but she hasn't gotten her period.

"Baby I'm finna head to work. You need anything?" I shook my head. August works as a tattoo artist. He made his business on his own.

He kissed me and left. I'm on my bed looking for something to watch. "Bitch! Leave me the fuck alone you stay doin some dumb shit!" Kacey yelled and I sighed.

It's always these two. "Well excuse the fuck outta me for complimenting her outfit. It was cute!" Lexus yelled back and I scrunched up my face.

Why I give them a copy?

"Ugh I can't stand yo ass!" I got up and watching them argue. "Well sit the fuck down!" Lexus yelled back and I chuckled. Lexus pushed her on the couch.

"Bitch! Push me again. I want you too." Kacey said and Lexus pushed her against the chair. "Bitch!" Kacey yelled.

Lexus straddled her and kissed on her neck. "Stop yelling baby. I'm sorry." I laughed out loud and they looked at me startled.

"You two are the most bipolar ass motherfuckers I ever met." They rolled their eyes.

"Lemme come to y'all house."




We were now at Kacey and Lexus house and I was eating grapes. Lexus was watching some TV show and Kacey was in the kitchen. I felt like I had to piss so I stood up only to feel water dripping down my legs.

Lexus looked at me alarmed and jumped up. "Kacey! This bitch is messing up my floor!" Lexus yelled and I mugged him then I felt a painful contraction. "Fuck! Shit!" I screamed and Kacey ran out the kitchen.

"Her water broke dumbass." Kacey said and helped me up. "I don't care if she pissed herself. I just mopped that floor." He pouted and Kacey mugged him.

"Help me!" She yelled and he groaned. I screamed and tears came out my eyes. Lexus and Kacey helped me to the car and laid me in the backseat.

This pain was unbearable and I couldn't take it. "Nigga she givin birth! Oh and when she better I want my fuckin floot mopped." I heard Lexus. "I need August!" I screamed and he put the phone on speaker.

"Baby I'm on my way. Just hang in there." August told me and I closed my eyes. "Baby I'm only 6 months. It's too early." I clenched my fits. "Just hang in there."

Tears fell from my eyes. "Why the fuck are we not in the hospital?" I screamed. "Traffic." Kacey mumbled and i kept screaming. I started kicking the door and I started to cry.

We finally got off the highway and I was rushed into the hospital. I was wheeled into a room. "She's ready." A doctor said.

My chest hurt so bad it felt like it was about to explode. I clenched my eyes as I pushed as hard as I fuckin could.


"What's the rush?" Natasha asked. She was one of my tattoo artists. "My baby on the way. Close up?" I asked her throwing the keys at her. "August?" She called and I looked at her.

She smiled at me. "Congratulations." He shouted a hurried thanks and rode to the hospital being stuck in traffic in the process. "Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" He shouted tears falling.

Baby I'm only six months. It's too early.

"Please god. Don't let us lose this baby." I prayed as tears streamed down my face. I cannot lose these baby.

I rolled my window down. "Can y'all drive like y'all got some fuckin sense!" I shouted and some nigga rolled his window down.

"Nigga we all tryna get outta traffic shut the fuck up!" I mugged his ass.  "Is yo girl in labor?" I asked and he gave me an apologetic look before closing his window.

I banged my hands against the steering wheel. I can't not see my daughter being brought into this world.

Finally traffic was let up and he sped to the hospital. When he got to the floor he saw Jada in there screaming her heart out.

A nurse walked up to him and led him out the room. "Stop! That's my girl! I'm the father!" He shouted but the doctor shook her head. "We can't let you in just yet." Just those words and it felt like my world collapsed.

I sat on a chair trying to get my shit together. Soon her dads family came and I ran into Karins arms. "Hey hey. Its gonna be good." She smiled at me softly and I nodded.

"August Walker?" A nurse asked and I walked over there.

"Do you want me save your girlfriend or the baby?" Tears ran down my face and everyone gasped.

"Fuck you talkin bout?" I yelled and she jumped. "Your tellin me, if I say my daughter then Jada gon die?" My voice cracked and she shook her head.

"We tryna save them both but if something happens. Who do you want us to save?" It felt like my whole world was just over.

Jada wasnt gonna be able to take losing another child and Kehlani deserves life. But i couldn't lose Jada.

If something ever happens please make sure Kehlani is safe.

I swallowed. "Kehlani." The doctor nodded. "Are you sure?" She looked hesitant and my anger sprouted. "Bitch! Do you need a fucking hearing aid!? I said my daughter now go do your damn job!"

She quickly left and I fell  into Summers arms. "I can't lose her. I just can't!" I cried.

I'll never live with myself if I lose her.

How you guys doin? 🙃

Don't get mad at me now.


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