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"I didnt lie on purpose." Dad said and I rolled my eyes. "You can't lie by accident. You specifically told me that you'd come back for me when you were in the right mindset but all this time you've been lying to me.

"All this time you had kids after kids while I was stuck living with evil people. The only person I loved was Sabrina. She was a better parent to me than you ever were." Tears streamed down my face.

Karin handed me a tissue and I wiped my eyes. "All I wanted was a father. I got beat and raped each and every day. I'm pregnant and it's not because I was being irresponsible it was because I was raped." I pointed to my stomach and I saw Karin suck in a sharp breath.

Dad did nothing but look at me with blank eyes. I wanted to hurt him. I wanted him to feel what I felt.

"Say something!" I yelled and he looked at me. "I did everything for a reason." He said and I rolled my eyes.

"Explain to me then. Tell me the damn story of why you didnt want me." Lexus wrapped his arms around me and Kacey hugged me.

"Julissa wasnt nothing but a hook up. She told me she was on the pill so I thought I was good. Weeks later she pulls up to my house and we argued. I didnt even let her explain to me why she was there. Then DJ was born and I never looked at the test until it was too much. I saw that you were indeed mine but before I told Karin that the baby wasnt mines." He looked up at me with regret.

"I didn't want to ruin the family I had worked to hard to build and rebuild. I felt like if I told Karin and the kids about you....I would've lost it all." I sighed and stood up making me stand up too.

"Its not because I ain't want you because I do. It was simply because I ain't wanna continue hurting the kids I already had." I wiped my tears and I saw he started to cry.

"I- Julissa said you would be fine in the system so I kept you there. When you were 14 and I made that promise to come back and get you, I lied. I wanted you to find me." He said.

"But why didnt you just tell the truth about everything? Why didn't you just take me with you?"

I blamed him for everything. My abuse. My rape and my pregnancy I blamed him. But I also blame my mother. She lied about being on the pill to probably trap him.

I swallowed and broke down. "lo siento por favor perdóname, babygirl."

(Im sorry please forgive me, babygirl)

Dave whispered in my ear and I pushed him away.  "Forgive you?" I yelled and he looked at me shook. "Why the hell should I ever forgive? You didn't want to ruin your fucking perfect ass family so you left me! I'm your kid too!" I screamed.

I lost complete control over myself next thing I know I'm in the car crying my eyes out.

"Calm down this isn't good for your baby." Kacey whispered and I just cried. All my life I hoped and waited on my father to take me away. But he never did.


"You hurt that girl Dave. How could you do that to her?" I yelled. "It doesn't fucking matter Karin!" He yelled back and I got in his face.

"That little girl is fucking traumatized. What if someone did that shit to Kairi? What if some nigga beat and raped Kairi then got her fuckong pregnant? What if Kairi's mom decided to put her in foster care? You'd do everything in your fucking power to get her out. Why you can't do that for Jada?"

I was fed up. I looked and saw that she was heart broken. She didn't feel accepted and I knew that. The way she broke down. It hurt my heart and that's why I'm pissed at Dave.

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