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Time Jump~ 5 years later.

"What the fuck y'all just sittin around foh?" I yelled and each of them bitches got up and went to work on something. I went into my office and lit up a blunt.

After all that shit went down with Dave i turned to Lia's gang. Me and August had several arguments and shit about it but i wanted to hurt Dave like he hurt me.

"Wassup girl." Lookin up i saw Von. "Hey nigga." I replied and he threw a bag of weed at me. Smiling i picked it up and threw it in a bag i had.

"Business slow." He observed and i shrugged. "Not asking for anybody to do much except dig some shit on Dave." I said and passed the blunt.

Von is pretty chill and he always supplied me with my weed. For an hour we passed the blunt to each other. "Listen i need to head out." I said getting up and makin sure i had my pink gun in my wasitband.

"Ard. See ya." I nodded his way then drove home.

"Mommy!" Lani ran up to me and i hugged her smiling down at her. "Wassup lil mama." I said kissing her cheek. She was cheesing like a motherfucker. August cleared his throat and i put Lani down.

She ran into her room and i looked at August smiling. He looked good and i honestly loved him with all my heart. I went to hug him but he pushed me.

Frowning i looked up at him. "What's wrong?" I asked him and he just mugged me. "I can't take it anymore." He whispered.

"Take what?" I asked confused. "You! You push everyone away. People come here for you and you just..."

"Aug-" he held his hand up and i was quiet. "I packed me and Lani's shit. We not gon stay here with you while you just tear yourself apart." He said and tears fell.

"Your going to leave me!?" I shouted and he nodded. "No! August you can't just leave me." I cried and he shook his head.

He walked back to our room and i followed him slamming the door. "Why?" I asked. He went into the closet and took out his suitcase. Then something just clicked inside me.

I couldn't lose him too. I tried everything to stop pushing people away. I started with Lani and then August. "Because you joined a whole fucking gang. Your trying to kill the nigga who helped bring you into this world. Its too much and i refuse to allow Kehlani see it."

I took his suitcase and threw it at the wall. "What the fuck Jada?" He shouted getting in my face. "Fuck out my face." I said my nostrils flaring.

"I think you should calm yo stupid ass down 'fore i kick yo stupid ass out!" He shouted in my face. "You know what? Go! I should've expected this shit. Mom left, Lia left, Dad left. Everyone leavea nobodh stays.

"So go. I can't keep crying everytime somebody fuckin leaves me because i wouldn't stop crying! Everyday somebody leaves me." I cried and looked at his face.

His face blank but i knew i hurt him but i couldn't keep trying to hold people who doesn't wanna stay.

"So go ahead and go. But my daughter isn't going with you." I quickly wipws away my tears but it was no use since more fell.

It hurt to see him go but im done. I only got room left for me and my child. Nobody else.

He looked at me as i just cried.  "Jada-" I shook my head. "No. You was so fuckin eager to go. Bye!" I waved and opened my bedroom door. He shut the door and i was confused because this bitch said he wanted to leave me but he still standin here.

"Thought you was leavin." I raised an eye brow. Sighing he sat on the bed. "We should talk." Rolling my eyes i sat next to him and lit up a blunt.

Frowning he snatched the blunt out my hands. "First, this addiction has to go." He said. I mugged him but chose to let it go.

"Jada i understand all the pain and shit you suffered with Dave and shit. I understand that you lost yo aunt in front of you but do you really wanna hurt yo father when you don't even know that he did it." I mugged him.

I know he did it because i saw his damn Audi. He even admitted to it. "I know what im doing." I said.

"So you want Karin and-"

"I never said i was gonna kill him. I just want him to feel everything i fuckin felt. I wanna hurt him." I replied.

Growling August mugged me. "It ain't worth it. Its just not." He told me and i rolled my eyes.

"Is that all?" I asked impatiently. "This the shit im talkin bout. You stay tryna up and fuckin leave." I blew the smoke out to calm my nerves.

"First of all nigga-"

"Don't "first of all" me. I ain't Lexus or Kacey." He said and i rolled my eyes. "I talk how i fuckin want." I stood up and so did August.

"Not to me yo ass dont." He said and i rolled my eyes. "Who the fuck do you think you is? Because you sure as hell ain't my fuckin daddy." I said putting the blunt out in a ash tray.

"Bro im tryna talk to you!" He yelled getting in my face. I mugged him long and hard. "I think you should move out my fucking face 'fore i floor yo bitch ass." I dropped my voice.

He smirked. "Do it bitch! You so damm tough. Do it!" I backed up because he was getting on my nerves. My nostrild flared as i stared at him.

Problem was he knew I'd hit him he just felt like pushing my fuckin buttons. "August. Move." I took a deep breath but he was getting in my face so i punched him square in his face.

He held his nose and mugged me. When he removed his hand i saw it was bleeding then he just gripped me up and pushed me against the wall.

"I will not tell yo stupid ass again! Why the fuck do you like puttin yo hands on me?" He growled. "Bitch you told me to!" I yelled back and kneed him.

He fell and to the ground and i just looked at him. All in pain. I felt some satisfaction and i don't know why. Next thing i know i was being thrown against the wall.

He slapped my face and i punched him in his chest. We then started fighting in my room us punching each other.

I'm not fuckin weak anymore. I will always fight back, nigga or bitch ion discriminate.

Somehow we ended up fighting in the hallway and i pushed him down the stairs. I watched at the top of the staircase as i watched him tumble to the last stair.

I was breathing hard and heavy as tears blurred my vision. Slowly i walked down the stairs at him and saw he was still breathing.

I then decided to pack all his shit. Even tho we was hitting each other he still had no right to put his hands on me.

I love August but now, i gotta love him from a distance.

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