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"Mommy i-" Malaysia skipped into the house with her ice cream cone but stopped when she saw blood. Jada was on the ground crying over Kehlani's body while Cherish and Kairi was slowly waking up from their unconsciousness. "Mom?" She whispered stepping over the blood.

Karin wrapped her arms around Laysia as she watched everything unfold. Everyone agreed that Dave took it way too far. Only they didn't know he was going after August now. Jada's heart was breaking and she really didn't want to live anymore and she didn't care what happened. Her daughter was dead.

Kehlani was her heart and her soul and now that she's gone Jada felt empty and cold. She worked so hard to have Kehlani. To keep her. But just like her siblings Kehlani was dead.

Nobody did anything they all just silently cried. Even Malaysia who slowly was realizing she lost Kehlani too. Slowly Jada held Kehlani in her arms and rocked her.

"You brought me sunshine when i only saw rain. You brought me laughter when i only felt pain. I love you babygirl and I'm so sorry i couldn't protect you." Jada choked out. "Its all my fault. Mommy was being stupid and she got you hurt. But don't you worry mommy will be with you soon." She whispered the last part kissing her head.

Jada looked at Kehlani as tears flowed freely remembering their happy moments together.

Jada remembered the time they took Kehlani to the beach and she tried to bury August. She said "one day im gonna have to bury you. But it wont be a happy day like today. A sad day." She said and Jada sighed. Kehlani wouldn't be able to do that.

"Jada, we can't just keep her body here. We can put her into a mourge or something." Cherish spoke softly but Jada shook her head. "I can't. Just give me time." They agreed and left the room calling the ambulance.

"Lani they gonna take you away but we'll be together soon i promise. Remember your 4th birthday? Me and August took you to this ice cream shop and you got all the flavors. Then we went to the beach." She smiled at her.

Jada felt completely empty as she heard sirens. She closed Kehlani's and kissed her face. "Sleep tight. God will keep you alright." She sniffled. The doctors came and rushed Kehlani away but Jada didn't see why. She was already dead and there was nothing they could do.

She wanted Dave dead. But couldn't do that to Karin and the rest of them. "So funeral?" Kairi asked and Jada shook her head. "Why? Im gonna be with her soon anyway. Just have our funerals on the same day. I want me, Kacey, Lexus, Kehlani and August together." She said smiling weak.

She knew Dave was gonna go after August she just hoped he would survive. They all got in a hug and then drove to the hospital but Jada didn't go. She looked around the house one last time going into everyroom before slicing her wrists and her stomach. It hurt but she was numb.

Tears flowed freely down her face as she ran the tub. When it at a decent height she left a text saying she loved every one. She even sent August one last text before getting into the water and drowning herself.

Me: i love u. Even tho we not talkin but its not like we'll ever talk again. Im sorry for hitting you and i hope u forgive me. I Love You ❤ just live for me. Please.

Baby Aug: I Love You Too ❤❤ and i will. But ur acting like this is goodbye lol.

Baby Aug: is it goodbye????

Baby Aug: J u good??

Baby Aug: im comin to the house.


They all sat in the waiting room as they tried to revive her but nothing was working. Their phones buzzed and they all looked at the text.

Lil Sis: Even tho we started rough in the beginning i still love u. Just wanted to say goodbye.

Baby J: Cherish ur something specialm Imani is hella lucky to have you. I love u and dont let me down.

Jada🙄😝: DJ i love u stupid head ass lol. But just wanted to say goodbye and I love u.

Jada girl: Bye Mama K i love u soo much. U made me feel welcomed wen no one else did.

JJ: Keep my brother happy Cynthia . if u gotta punch him do it. If u gotta cut his dick off do. I love u even tho we barely know each other.

Jada Girl: oh and tell Laysia i love her too. ❤❤. Im so sorry she had to see that its my fault.

Smiling sadly at their phones they silently cried. The family held so much hatred for Dave that it wasn't even funny. He took away innocent lives that he didn't need to take away. None of this would've happened if he just told the truth from the jump.

After they saw Kehlani and said their last words they found Jada in the bathroom. They all sat down and cried hard. Even tho they barely knew Jada it hurt them.


"Jada loved her daughter and her friends and her boyfriend August. She would jump hurdles for them and she did. We all lost people last week. Jada lost her daughter and best friends, August lost his daughter his girlfriend and his friends, we lost Jada and Kehlani and even her friends.

"We didn't know Lexus and Kacey like that...."

They all sat in their caskets watching the service. "Mommy im confused." Kehlani said. "How am i dead if im sleeping there?" She asked.

"Nobody can see us. We're ghosts but they can see our bodies. You'll understand when your older." Kacey smiled and they watched the rest.

August sat in the chair crying his soul out. Never in a million years did he think he'd lose them. Now he felt whag Jada felt when she wanted to kill Dave.

August also wanted her dead.


Dave left the state and went back to New York. He tried to contact Karin but she blocked him. The entire family did. They wanted nothing to do with him it wasn't even the fact that Jada's gone its the simple fact he killed an innocent child.

Karin felt like she shouldn't have taken him back when he was on them drugs. Everyone felt like it was all their fault but Dave didn't even feel guilty.

And that's only because he was back on them drugs.


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