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As soon as Dave stabbed Kehlani, Jada jumped up and punched his jaw. They began fighting with each other. Dave pushed Jada on the ground and held the knife near her but Laysia opened the door just in time, she ran towards Dave in fright. "Daddy what you doing?" She screamed as she saw Jada's tear streaked face. Malaysia may be a kid but she's not stupid.

"Nothin baby. Go play." Sighing she looked at her ice cream. "Daddy you got something on your face." Malaysia frowned. Karin saw what she was doing so she crept out the room and called 911. When Malaysia got close enough she squished her ice cream in his face.

He dropped the knife and yelled out in pain as Jada kicked his groin. By then the police and an ambulance arrived. The cops took Dave away and they all went to the hospital. They sat in a waiting room all out of breath and worried.

They prayed Kehlani would be okay. Jada needed to stretch so she walked around the hospital looking at all the patients and then she saw them. Kacey and Lexus was laying in the same room asleep. She gasped and called for a nurse.

"Do you know them?" Nurse Jenkins asked. "Ya. Kacey and Lexus! Are they okay?" Jada questioned. She nurse smiled and nodded. "They lost a ton of blood but their in a coma right now. Thankfully that lady found them." She smiled.

Jada sat back down as she almost felt complete, now all she needed to know was that Kehlani was okay.


{One year later}

"Wake up! Its Christmas!" Kehlani shouted waking up August and Jada. They groaned but once they saw her bright face they smiled too. After everything that went down Jada grew closer with her siblings and Karin. Dave writes to Karin every day but she rips them up and throws it away.

Everyone decided it was best to keep their distance from him. Kehlani went to the doctor every month so they could check on her wound. Since she's really young the wound didn't heal as quickly. At night she often cried from the pain, she's sensitive to that area and has to be careful when playing around.

When Jada texted August and told him he rushed to the hospital and they'd been together ever since, sure Kehlani gets on their nerves but their just glad she's breathing. During her surgery they went through a ton of complications.

She had a seizure in the middle and everyone was sure she wasn't gonna make it, after reviving her for 20 mintues she finally started breathing again. Three days after that she was stuck in a coma for 6 months. Everyone was losing their faith because every now and then she'd flatline and then it would pick up again.

Jada and August never left her side. One of Jada's biggest flexes was Kehlani. She wad proud of herself for putting up with everything's she's been through. She wished her mother was alive to see Kehlani and she wished Lia was here, even though she was broken she never gave up.

Even though she had times she wanted to end herself,  she never did and that was what everyone calls a strong black woman.

"Can we open presents no- ouch!" She winced. August grinned and hugged her. "You can't yell so loud baby." He told her. "Okay daddy. But i wanna see if Santa got my doll." She pouted, after brushing their teeth they went downstairs and Kehlani opened her presents.

When she saw her doll she jumped excitedly. After they cleaned up the wrappers they got dressed and went to Karin's house. "Hey Grandma!" Kehlani hugged Karin and ran into the house to play with Malaysia. "Hey Mama." Jada greeted and August hugged her.

"Merry Christmas y'all." She beamed. When they walked inside the smell of breakfast hit their noses. "Hey Cherish!" Jada hugged her and August greeted Jordan. "Hey bitch! Everyones presents are under the tree, mom said we're gonna open them when she finish cooking." She explained.

"Auntie!" Imani raised her arms for Jada to pick her up. Jada smiled at her and kissed her forehead. "Got you present." Imani grinned and Jada smiled. She had so many presents in her car for the family. August, Jada and Kehlani all bought gifts for each other and the family. "Present time!" Malaysia shouted.

"Alright. Laysia first." Karin grinned. August got all the gifts out the car and passed them to Malaysia. "This is from Jada." Malaysia smiled and ripped open the gift.

It was a silver charm necklace with a M on it. "You can add more letters onto it." Jada smiled as Malaysia went through all the silver letters. "Thanks! Next is from..... Mommy." She smiled. She opened the gift and got a complex flower coloring book.

"Thanks mommy!" After they all opened gifts it was finally Jada's turn. She opened her gifts and got a lot of jewlery, new shoes, lip gloss and a lot of other things. August wanted to give his gift last.

He led Jada to the middle of the room. "Okay wheb i give you the present turn around and open it." He instructed so Jada did as told. There was a lot of wrapping paper so it looked like the gift was big. Once she finally got to the last wrapping paper she found a small black box in her hands.

Frowning she turned around and gasped when she saw August on one knee. He took her hand and smiled at her. "We went through a lot, hell you went through a lot. I know sometimes you wanted to end all yo pain but i want you to know that you will never feel pain again in the future. I love you so much and i wanna finish my life with you. So Jada, will you be my wife?" Tears cascaded down her cheeks as she nodded frantically.

He slipped the ring on her finger and kissed her passionately as her family all cheered and clapped. "I told y'all my mommy and daddy love each other!" Kehlani grinned. It was a picture perfect moment and Jada found herself realizing why Dave didn't wanna share his family.

They were perfect. And she was not.

"Okay lets eat!" Jordan licked his lips. They all sat down and ate their breakfast with smiles on their faces. Jada was finally happy and nobody was gonna take that from her.


SURPRISEEEEEEEE !!!!! akekekekek 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

I had this one chapter saved for so long i just wanted y'all to think this was it! 😭

Tell me, how y'all feelin rn??

Well byeee love y'all 😘😘😘

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