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Me and Summer sat in the waiting room and I held her as she cried. We still heard nothing from the doctor and I was getting worried. Her family soon came and it took everything in me not to roll my eyes.

"How is she?" Karin asked wringling her hands and I scoffed not answering them. It was because of them that she lost her baby. If her dad would've just taken care of her like damn father should nobody would've been in this situation in the first place.

DJ got in my face. "Answer my mama when she talking to you." He said and I mugged him pushing him slightly out my face. "Boy stay the fuck outta my face." I growled.

"Guys there's a reason why he doesnt want us here and honestly ion blame him." Cherish spoke up and all eyes was on her. "What? I'm just saying, Dave disowned her and her moms dead. That's a lot of stress put on her." She said and Kairi scoffed.

"At least dad was man enough to admit his mistake--"

"But did he explain why he doesnt want her? No." Summer spoke up then Kacey and Lexus came in. All eyes were now on Dave. "Fuck y'all staring at me for?" He said.

"Maybe because it's your fault. By what I was told, you ain't wanna ruin your perfect family and you knew that if word got out that Jada was yours they reputation you got would've went to hell." Summer spat.

"What the fuck is going on?" Lexus asked. I took a deep breath. "Jada lost the baby because of the stress her sperm doner put her through." Summer said mugging each and every one of them.

Kairi scoffed. "Got some shit you wanna say?" Summer asked. "Because ion mind fucking you up again."

Kacey hugged Summer to keep her calm but Kairi decided to get slick in the mouth and I wanted to fight her my damn self.

"Actually I do. Y'all dont know not a damn thing about Jada and her father. Dad had to get help--"

"Bitch Dave knew about Jada when he was being a fuckin drug addict." Kacey scoffed. "Guys please calm down. Ion wanna get kicked out." Karin said quietly.

"Why don't y'all just leave. You wasnt worried about her before there's no reason to be worried about her now." Lexus said and the three of us agreed. Karin started to tear up.

"P-Please we-we just wanna make sure she's alright." I scoffed getting fed up. "Was you worried about her when she was hoping from one foster home to the next? Was you worried about her when that nigga was abusing her? Was you worried about her when you murdered her mother?

"Was you worried about her when she was being raped? I think the fuck not so there's no reason to be worried about her now." I said and Karin cried. It hurt seeing her like that.

But I was done with them continuing to hurt her. She ain't deserve nome of this shit if he didnt wanna be a father again he shouldve kept his dick in his pants.

They left and we relaxed as we waited for the doctor, but something told me this was all far from over.


"Can't belive that stupid nigga aint let me see my daughter. My fucking daughter!" I shouted once we got home. "Dave you can't even get mad, you knew about Jada so you shouldve been a dad to her just like you were to us. There should be have been no discrimination." Cherish said and I mugged her.

"You best shut the fuck up." I said to her in a warning tone. She mugged me. "Maybe we all just need to calm down." Jordan said and I rolled my eyes.

"You can shut the fuck up too." I pointed a finger at him. "Maybe we can all just sit down and talk to them." Karin suggested and Cherish agreed.

"I mean maybe we can finally just chalk this shit up and be a big ass family." Cherish said. "I agree." Cynthia said.

I rolled my eyes and sat down. "Fine. When she gets out the hospital. Give it two months." I said lighting up a blunt. "Until then yall can get the fuck out my house." I said and they all left.

Karin went into the kitchen to cook, DJ and Cynthia went to his room. "Dont be fucking in my house!" I yelled at them and I heard DJ groan before his door shut.

I still can't believe he wouldn't let me see Jada. He don't know shit about my choice and what I had to do to make sure she was safe. I was on drugs I wasnt stable enough for another kid.

But you knew before them drugs.

I mugged the wall as I heard that dumbass voice. "Man fuck you." I mumbled smoking.


When I opened my eyes the glare of the light above me shone and I put my arm over my eyes. I felt this sort of emptiness that was all too familiar. I lost one baby and now I lost another.

Maybe I just wasnt stable enough for kids. School let out weeks ago so I couldn't blame school. Maybe there was somethin in my body that wouldn't allow me to have kids.

The doctor came in and smiled. "Hello Jada. Glad your awake." She said and I shrugged. "Would you like to see your family?" I moved my arm.

"Can you tell me what's wrong first? How I lost my baby?" The doctor sighed. "Well, your stress levels was too high for the baby and his blood pressure went rocket high which caused him to be a stillborn.

"You fainted at the sight of blood nothing too severe. I do recommend though your put on strict bedrest. Your body needs to calm down a lot before you can out and about doing stuff. I also recommend no sex for at least a month." She smiled and I blushed.

Who said I was having sex anyway? I wanted to say. "Thanks doctor. Can they all come in?" She nodded and left.

Moments later, August, Summer, Kacey and Lexus came in. I was slightly disappointed my dad didn't come but then again I didn't need to see him right now.

Summer came and hugged me and i laughed. "Bitch you scared me." She laughed. "Summer yo mouth gon get yo ass beat." Summer sucked her teeth.

We all sat in the room while I waited for my doctor to tell me when I could leave. "So when can I leave?" I asked them.

"Tomorrow." I smiled, because I didn't want to go home yet. Too much was going on in my head.

They stayed until visiting hours were up and then I was alone watching some tv show but I wasnt paying attention to that.

I was thinking about how my dad disowned me and still ain't care about that. It hurt but what could I do.

Not a damn thing.

Two updates today 🥳🥳 I'm  proud of myself!!

Thoughts on that lil argument?

I'm probably gonna update again today, ion know yet. I'm thinkin about makin another book but ion wanna stress myself out more.

I broke it off with my bf last night so I haven't been in the best mood 😒 and being single is just borin asf. Ppl say single life is fun buh I'm not seeing it.

I made my goal for school tho I finally got Straight A's 🥳🥳 but enough abt me.

How you guys been?

Until next update, byeeee love u guys 😘😘

Follow my insta 😝: infxmous_.keeairra and my spam page: nappyheadedniggashit

I'm out this bitch 😝


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