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she's exactly like her twin sister.

"whatever happens, the only thing you need to remember is to hide your real-"

"that's the umpteenth time you said that unnie. i am mindful of that okay? it's not like it's that hard to do this," the girl cheekily responded to the distressed woman, slightly flipping her hair.

even though she knows deep inside, it's beyond the hardest.

the woman is known as ms. jang, the secretary of song hee-jin.

she knows the totality of the family's deepest secrets, including the fact that the girl in front of her right now, is the hidden daughter of the song's.

indeed, she was one of the counted number of people who knows about the girl's identity.

the cheeky girl's name is song da-eun, but she's about to take the name of her twin sister, hee-jin, in any minute.

song da-eun is considerably the black sheep of the family. she lived her entire twenty three years of existence being treated like an outcast, an undesirable member of her own family.

she was hidden in their family's manor far away from the capital of south korea called seoul. albeit, she grew up to be a person everyone could be fond of.

she has stunning and delicate facial features worth to be awed for. she is also known for her classy and elegant fashion style which is congruous with her reserved personality.

her, as a person, could be easily treated and known as an ideal in humanity. she's indescribably beautiful, extremely intelligent, and immensely talented, but all of those were wasted and hidden.

she's also gentle, warmhearted, easygoing, exuberant, witty, imaginative, and sincere.

if her personal teachers are not present, teaching her almost every complicated lessons in different fields, she'll be seen painting in her balcony, reading books in her own library, playing various instruments like violin in the music room, dancing ballet in the ballroom, or simply walking around the garden.

that was da-eun's daily routine. boring yet luxurious to what everyone around her might perceive, but for those who truly knows, her life was far from those.

she was the busiest in her own way, too engaged to know every single piece of knowledge she could absorb even against her will.

and life, it wasn't suppose to be centered with just learning everything she could, it was also suppose to be full of experiences, especially happy and youthful ones, yet she was controlled.

adults who were the same age as her were out there, facing and exploring reality, making careless decisions, yet learning from their adventures.

despite nearing perfection, she embodied a weak soul, especially with her body's fragility and instability. due to her being easily immune to different disorders, she had to be always taken care of, or at least that was what her mother's frequent explanation every time she asked why she was being hidden.

da-eun's personality was contrasting her twin sister's.

song hee-jin has more prominent facial features. she has a well toned body and strong physique. compared to da-eun, hee-jin was bold, cold-hearted, cunning, yet decisive, intuitive, discreet, and appealing.

she personifies a fierce soul, especially with her fearless attitude and popular image on social media mostly being tenacious. but most of all, hee-jin was independent.

alas, da-eun was like a living modern princess trapped in an improbable world her parents had built her. it was as if, she was intentionally molded to be one of a kind and exemplary with different areas.

but to the poor girl, she innocently thought her little world was calm and peaceful, perfect in a way.

"alright, good luck then," ms. jang, the said secretary of song hee-jin, told da-eun back slightly nodding.

after a while, she watched dae-un crossing the road and walking towards the huge gate that serves as the main entrance of  jeon jungkook's, the only son of the jeon's, modernized mansion dragging her luggage.

on the process, the secretary made sure her dainty body was concealed behind the tall green trees.

ms. jang couldn't think of anything but the way da-eun talked to her.

the enough amount of cheekiness and confidence with her choice of words made her proud of the once shy and restrained bubbly girl, who was the complete opposite of her sister just a month ago.

she was the one who personally taught da-eun as she was the person who knows hee-jin the best.

she was surely against the idea of da-eun doing this, but what can she do? she always had to follow the above's order as she was just one of the powerless people in society.

she was just one of the lower rank staffs in a big company in her country, who badly needs to earn a living.

the suggestion of disapproval was completely pointless after all.

da-eun, she's relieved that the girl is already brave enough to stroll towards another world she'll have to face. a new world she knows would probably harm the innocent young girl.

but nonetheless, the girl finally gained enough belief in herself  to talk and act like her sister after weeks of extreme training, that should be enough for her to survive.


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