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the distance between them is getting father every minute.

da-eun did took driving lessons when she was around sixteen, but she never had a chance to get her driver license and try driving around the city.

da-eun rolled over and over her bed, thinking whether she should use her sister's license.

but realized it was an insane idea.

"whatever, i'll call a grab or taxi cab tomorrow or something."

jungkook wasn't lying nor making excuses not to bring hee-jin to work. he did really have a business meeting, which was an hour drive from the main city, seoul.

jungkook is not a morning person, so he did wake up late. if it wasn't mrs. choi who reminded him that he was about to wake up thirty minutes ago, he'd be dead.

he rushed around the mansion like a maniac, who even refused to eat breakfast, scared of being late, as he was going to deal with big clients.

meanwhile, it was just a normal starting day of da-eun.

people would call their routines boring and tiring, yet to da-eun, it was better than to be trapped.

that morning, da-eun did grab a taxi going to her work, and even received glances inside the building.

ms. jang, however, didn't say anything about her riding a cab, and even told her jungkook often didn't fetch hee-jin, so it was normal.

except the fact that hee-jin was driving her own car and not riding a taxi.

ms. jang told da-eun they need to practice driving more as soon as possible, and that her mother already applied for her driver's license.

and she did, do it under the table, so she'll be receiving it in a month or less.

ms. jang also told her to be more careful and ask her for help next time if she needs too, but da-eun only seem to be bothered by one thing.

her mother.

she never saw her around the office, yet she justified the fact that her mom could just be busy visiting other branches or meeting people in different places.

da-eun finished her work early, and was now, only waiting for her dismissal. she decided to visit one of her most favorite places in earth, the library.

although it sounds weird, she's been craving to hold and read books. it's been a week since she last read one.

she was strolling around the company's spacious library, grabbing tons of books of her interest, and being greeted by staffs who happened to be in her way.

just then, her phone vibrated on her trouser's pocket. da-eun immediately opened her phone, curious to who might have texted.

"go home alone. i'll be going out with the hyungs."

da-eun's forehead wrinkled but as soon as she saw who the text was from, she got it right away.

at first, da-eun only thought of jungkook's text to be so cold for someone who's suppose to be her 'pretend husband,' but then she immediately wondered who were the 'hyungs' jungkook was pertaining in his text message.

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