t w e n t y

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his obligations and duties.

taehyung was about to drop off the market to get late night snacks as he has been over working for the past weeks. he always went to the small market near his apartment.

he was humming while walking in the sidewalk, leaving his car a bit far so he could walk, and move his legs after a whole day of sitting in the office.

his massive hands were hidden in his big pockets as he was walking. it was cold, really cold and dark, and everyone in the world could feel how the climate is starting to change over the years.

yet to taehyung, winter nights were sweet. he was a person who could find good and everything. guaranteed that he wasn't happy every single time, but he was always positive and hopeful.

taehyung continued to hum until he reached the face of the market and spotted a familiar girl.

"hee-jin!" he called out happily, but he failed to get the girl's attention when the familiar figure fell.

taehyung went to her swiftly, catching her before her head could break once it lands on the hard platform.

taehyung's heart started to beat so fast. he felt shocked, nervous, and scared.

someone close to him just fainted on his arms, and he was panicking.

for a minute, he didn't know what to do. he placed his ear near to the girl's mouth to confirm that she was still breathing.

taehyung was hesitant, as he really didn't know what to do. he tried shouting for help, but some people around him were so cruel just to look at them as if he was just acting for a film.

tears started to form in his taehyung's eyes, as this was the first time something like this hapenned to him. he didn't even know why the girl fainted, and she was obviously not okay.

taehyung felt a burden in his heart. his heart wounded seeing the unconscious girl lying on the front of the market, while her head was peacefully resting on his arms.

as taehyung was able to calm down, he carried the girl bridal style, and she was expectedly lightweight. taehyung rushed to his car, ignoring every person that would look back to them.

he drived endlessly and rapidly, looking everywhere for a nearby hospital, not caring they might be in danger with his speed.

luckily, taehyung found one. it was a big hospital, full of lights so that it'll be recognizable in the dark.

taehyung turned his wheel carelessly, perfectly stopping in the massive glass door of the emergency area.

tons of nurses quickly attended to them as he opened the passenger door and the girl who fainted was revealed.

the medical staff quickly transferred da-eun to the medical bed and started pushing it to an emergency room.

"what happened sir?" a nurse asked taehyung while they were pushing through different hallways.

"i don't know, i just saw her fainting in front of a market," taehyung responded softly, almost tearing up.

jungkook rushed to the market that da-eun sent texted him. he told her he's be late for an hour, yet he was extra late for about half an hour.

finding the said market wasn't easy as well, as it was unnoticeable in the highway streets. jungkook continued to stroll the area for a solid ten minutes until he spotted the said market.

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