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that was an honest mistake.

"my sister's husband isn't that much of jerk right?"

da-eun convinced herself countless times, but she couldn't help but to wonder why they don't get along with each other, why they consider each other as— enemies.

from what she knows, arranged marriages usually don't go perfectly, but most of the time, the couple involved in it should be fine.

she aggressively shook her head to remove the unwanted thoughts, settling with the fact that the most important thing was to be careful— and to not trust anyone.

without noticing, she reached the second floor, and stopped in front of a gigantic wooden door.

determinedly, she twisted the door knob to enter the assumed guess bedroom, which was her sister's.

after inspecting the interior for a solid minute, amazed with the organized layout of all the expensive furniture, she can't help herself to immediately plop her body in the soft mattress of the enormous bed in the middle.

she decided to sleep for a while since she really doesn't know what else to do. she had to wait for her luggage to be brought in her room, and she couldn't help in preparing dinner.

all of those were ms. choi's doings, she insisted the girl to rest after a long flight.

after tucking herself inside the white fluffy comforter, it only took seconds for her to be drifted onto dreamland. she was too exhausted as she wasn't able to sleep properly for the past few weeks because of the anxiety that she'll fail to act properly as her sister.

as soon as jungkook correctly parked his car in the garage of his own mansion, he hurtled to the main entrance with heavy steps. it's been a hectic week for him, and all he wanted to do at the moment was too sleep.

he was still in his adjusting period of work as he just got promoted in a higher position.

he suddenly thought of the idea that if he was just given a chance, he would rather be a pro-gamer or maybe even a singer.

he went inside and greeted the maids who were all in a laborious setup, and told them to wake him up as soon as they finished preparing the supper.

he started sauntering towards the staircase then gently opened his bedroom's door with half-closed eyes, and started removing his shoes.

just as he was about to unbutton his top, he was astounded and taken aback to see someone lying down on his bed as if his drowsy self was tricking his genius mind. he walked closer and started to gaze attentively
at the person's face.

after trying his best to open his big doe eyes, he recognized the familiar face.

"it's just her," he thought annoyingly, silently sighing.

he didn't expect she'll comeback from her business trip today. in fact, in harsh terms, he would be happier if she still didn't.

after all, they don't talk much, so why would they contact each other about their schedules?

since he was too tired to argue to why she was sleeping serenely in his bed without any reason, when she should be in her own bed and room, he nonchalantly laid beside her after changing into a set of pajamas.

before sleeping soundly, he made sure to keep a reasonable distance and stack bunch of pillows in the middle of them, which he always does when they have to sleep in one room.

"hee-jin dear, dinner's ready," ms. choi started knocking to the door of the guess bedroom.

she's well aware that this couple hates sleeping in one room, so hee-jin stays at the spare room beside jungkook's instead.

she usually wakes hee-jin up first as she was easier to wake up compared to jungkook.

after minutes of knocking, she decided to slowly open the door as hee-jin would never mind.

"ms. choi please don't be hesitant to open the door of my bedroom if i won't respond for a long time."

ms. choi was then slightly astonished to find out hee-jin's bed is empty.

"jungkook dinner's ready," she attempted to wake up the boy instead by knocking, which she knows too well, won't work.

in order to wake up the boy, you had to either turn on the lights, remove his blanket, shake him belligerently, or yell his name and bang the door repetitively.

she gently opened the door knowing it would be locked if he didn't want to be disturbed.

she slowly opened jungkook's door, and called his name over and over, trying to wake up the boy sleeping soundly.

just then, she spotted the newlyweds hugging each other tightly without any of them knowing because of their deep slumber.

she walked towards the both of them with hesitation, when hee-jin started moving side to side breaking from the tight hug swiftly, slowly opening her beady eyes.

"ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" with eyes widened as ever, da-eun screamed on top of her lungs as she saw a man lying down  beside her, and she continued to do so for seconds while waggling her whole body, and covering her chest with the comforter.

just as realization hit her after a few seconds, it was the great jeon jungkook, her suppose to be pretend husband.

and she never felt most embarrass as even mrs. choi was shock with her shouting.

jungkook's doe eyes enlarged with a glint of sleepiness and tiredness after while, yet his heart was thumping crazily with the sight of hee-jin, astonished with his presence as if the girl just saw a ghost with her eyeballs almost popping out with what she's seeing.

finding it unusual but also infuriating, jungkook got up and went down rapidly stomping his feat secretly and silently, slightly scratching his head furiously, inadequate to say anything.

jungkook and hee-jin sat at the dining table with the girl settling in the left side, still processing and scolding herself by shouting at the man earlier.

that was not just the most embarrassing first encounter, but her first failure as well.

she was so sure to herself that she entered her sister's room. judging from the design of the room, she was confident it was the right room.

she was extremely wondering how it turned out to be jungkook's.

if only, ms. jang was capable of showing her pictures of the this mansion's interior, it won't be this complicated.

their most inaudible supper started with the two younger maids opening the cloche of the dishes served in front of them, and pouring the finest red wine available in the country.

"i cooked your favorite dear," mrs. choi then told hee-jin happily.

"lemon and chili prawn linguine right? that's what i remember you said to me," mrs. choi said trying to recall the dish's name.

just then, da-eun's hands held the fork and knife tightly and it uncontrollably started trembling with her beady eyes staring at the food in fear.

her mind was then occupied in thinking of what excuse she should give with such inescapable situation.

how to refuse and be polite and how to avoid death at the same time was all she could think of.

"oh sh*t, i'm allergic to prawns."


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