e i g h t e e n

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we could also act as a normal couple.

it was around six pm, and da-eun knew well it was impossible for jungkook to fetch her.

but she was happy as her little plan was going smoothly. she could still go home and cook jungkook dinner, as she felt it was her obligation to do so.

da-eun continued to look for a taxi cab outside the mall, lining up for her turn as their were so many people who commute.

the mall she went too was surely one of the biggest and busiest in seoul. da-eun patiently waited with grocery bags in her hands when it unluckily started raining.

first it was drizzling, then the rain got heavier every minute. people in the line started taking out their umbrellas, completely prepared for the unsaid weather.

surely, she's wasn't fond of checking weather reports.

da-eun's heart started thumping so fast out of worry, not just because she'll be drench with water, but her groceries might be soaked as well.

da-eun rapidly took out her blazer and covered it above her head. fortunately, the person's umbrella behind her was huge that it covers her grocery bags.

da-eun peeped through the line, only two customers were ahead of her, she can't back out as their were more than ten behind her.

and if she waits until the rain stops, she'll probably be home at midnight.

so there she stayed, under the rain for more than ten minutes, completely shivering and wet.

da-eun was happily preparing dinner alone in the house, completely forgetting what happened to her earlier.

as soon as she got home, she took a bath even though she slightly felt creeped out with all the mirrors, and the fact that she was alone while her imagination was running wild in horror.

she was trying to move faster every minute as it was nearing seven thirty. she then heard the door knob unlocked as soon as she placed the plates on the table.

"i'm home," jungkook said with a tired tone while trying to drag himself and suitcase. he looked so drowsy, and his eyes were already half closed.

da-eun then caught jungkook before he could fall in the floor.

she then plopped jungkook down the couch and removed his shoes. she went upstairs to get him clothes as he was wet from the rain, while bringing his suitcase to place it in his room.

da-eun's plan surely failed.

jungkook just completely look tired that she'd feel guilty to wake him up, but she did, so that he could change his clothes.

jungkook complied, not warily at all, as he stumbled before managing to go inside the guess bathroom downstairs.

jungkook went out, looking a bit awake which da-eun was glad too.

"hey," da-eun started, but was stopped by jungkook.

"why is you hair wet?"

it sounded weird at first but then da-eun just answered.

"i got soaked in the rain, so i took a bath,"

hee-jin never takes a bath a night so jungkook wondered.

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