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stop the closeness.

it was past eleven pm when jungkook and da-eun both arrived at their own house.

all the lights inside were already close as the maids are assumably asleep at this hour.

they both headed the main door as jungkook succeeded to park his car in the front garage.

jungkook unlocked the door with his keys as no one was awake to open it for them when he felt someone tug his coat gently.

he looked down to see hands holding his long coat as if one's life depended on it.

she looked up to see hee-jin. he tilt his head in amusement and was about to mouth 'why' when the girl talked first instead.

"c-can you— fetch me to my door?" the girl said with a pleading tone, and her small lips formed a pout.

jungkook tilted his head more asking a reason to why hee-jin asked that.

"i-im scared of the dark," da-eun then lowered her head.

there she was, stuttering and acting different once again. jungkook thought again.

since jungkook felt so tired to argue, he sighed then removed da-eun's hands from his coat and pulled her arms instead.

but since he didn't expect the girl to be so light, he accidentally pulled her too close that their bodies touched.

jungkook secretly growled in frustration with his careless actions, and the girl in front him looking all innocent.

he doesn't even get why he's heart is beating fast once again. he shrug off his thoughts as he realized he's been staring at her eyes for too long.

no, they've been staring at each other for who knows how long in front of the mansion's door.

jungkook opened the door and got in, pulling da-eun along with him, harshly this time, as deep inside, he was panicking for no reason.

he opened the door of the guess room and slightly pushed da-eun inside.

da-eun stumbled to her room, and was about to say thank you and turn around when the door was silently banged in front of her.

da-eun's lips formed a pout once again.

"was that too childish?" she asked herself, realizing her sister wasn't like that.

da-eun went around the room crazily, pulling strands of her hair aggressively and thinking she needs to act like sister more.

da-eun sat on her room's couch and tried to reflect with her actions since she arrived.

after minutes of thinking deeply and biting her nails, she cant help but to sigh over and over again.

she should really stop being herself.

dragging her lightweight body downstairs after cleaning, changing, and tidying up herself with her phone's flashlight in her hands, da-eun decided to go the kitchen.

da-eun was indeed near to being lost. it wasn't suppose to be a big deal, as it was just a kitchen, yet it was.

after minutes of tiptoeing, going to every corner of the kitchen, she finally found all the glasses.

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