t h i r t e e n

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know how to control yourself.

jungkook's forehead quickly wrinkled upon hearing the request of the girl beside him.

at that moment, jungkook badly wanted to say no— and simply refuse, or even ask why hee-jin was being so weird.

but something inside tells him not to. every time he has the urge to ask her, his guts stops him.

jungkook sighed, stared at the ceiling for a little longer, and started singing faintly.

just with that, da-sun slowly drifted to her own dreamland, sleeping innocently like an angel, which made jungkook stop singing and stare intensely at her instead, not caring if the girl suddenly opens her eyes.

as the sun rose, mrs. jeon left without leaving any note or saying anything. her visits would always be short.

she would just usually have dinner with them and sleep in one of the guess rooms, then leave.

as for da-eun, she received a text from hoseok saying they should meet in the same cafe as yesterday.

little did she know, hoseok placed his calling. card when they were hugging each other yesterday, and his call sign actually meant what it's suppose to mean.

da-eun quickly prepared herself and head outside after saying goodbye to mrs. choi and the other two young maids.

she was well dressed this weekend. her outfit was far from her corporate ones during work days.

she wore a mini baby pink dress that compliments her slightly pale and glowing skin, along with her own signature shoes and bag.

it was minimalistic, yet elegant and classic.

it was the original da-run style for short.

da-eun entered their taxi cab which stopped in front of the gate and entered it.

meanwhile, jungkook was found staring at his enormous glass windows facing the front of the house, dressed comfortably as if he was about to go out and just chill around.

as the taxi cab left, jungkook rushed downstairs to his car, and attempted to follow the taxi cab, but failed.

jungkook frustratingly run over his soft black hair, and gripped his car's steering wheel, while his other hands opened his phone which had a tracking device for hee-jin's phone.

jungkook's temper instantly exploded after founding out the girl's device can't be tracked, and she apparently changed her phone number.

how come he doesn't even know that?

it's been more than a month since she got home, yet he didn't even know she changed her mobile phone number.

jungkook then recalled hee-jin's phone when she used it to their way in the family dinner before.

indeed, it was even a new phone.

as much as he was curious why, as phone numbers were very crucial in their kind of jobs, he was more of angry as there was no way to follow the girl now.

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