n i n e t e e n

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dark, darker, darkest, and fade.

da-eun woke up with a heavy arm on her waist and the glimpse of sunrise reflecting in her eyes.

not until she looked at her phone, realizing she was almost late for work.

she flipped the bedsheets harshly, only to hear a groan and feel a movement beside her.

she looked at her side and saw jungkook.

right— she forgot she slept at his bedroom.

jungkook surely likes to be surrounded by pillows, and he'd often hug them.

does she feels like a pillow to him?

da-eun shrug off the thought and proceeded to shake jungkook, receiving multiple growls while he was scratching his hair.

jungkook gave her a sleepy look, and barely even bothered to open his eyes.

after seeing the girl attempting to wake him up, he immediately went back to sleep, hugging the closest pillow instead.

da-eun sighed and started shaking jungkook aggressively.

"jungkook, we're almost late!" da-eun endlessly shook jungkook.

jungkook with his fastest speed then opened his eyes and looked at his bedroom's wall clock.

he then gave her a shock look and they immediately parted ways with da-eun going to her sister's bedroom to prepare, and jungkook taking a shower.

da-eun despite being slow, managed to just finish in time. in fact, earlier than jungkook.

she was waiting for him in front of his bedroom door, and she doesn't even know why.

maybe she was really expecting him to drop her off work?

it's not a hustle for jungkook to do so anyways. their buildings are just probably meters away from each other.

da-eun was slightly tapping the wooden edges of the center balcony which serves as an overlook to all the floors of the house, patiently waiting for jungkook.

as she heard a cracking sound, she looked back to see struggling jungkook, competing against his knotted necktie.

da-eun being the expert she is, instantaneously grabbed jungkook's necktie which caught the boy's attention.

their faces were inches apart once again, and instead of avoiding the girl's eyes, jungkook looked at her. she was so focus on the necktie that she didn't even notice jungkook's gaze.

"since when did she act like a wife to me?" jungkook then asked himself.

"let's go," da-eun mumbled softly after finishing her task.

jungkook gripped on his brief case tighter than ever as he lead the way downstairs.

jungkook continued to drive attentively, pacing his speed if he had a chance to. he still had a good ten minutes when they arrived at the song's building.

jungkook expected the girl beside him to rush outside, but he didn't feel any movement at all. he looked at his right side, only to spot the girl sleeping peacefully.

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