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unexpected jealousy.

"wait— hold up,"

"what do you mean?"

"who said— who ordered you that?"

"you mean jeon jungkook? pretend to be jungkook's wife?"

"but his married with hee-jin—"

"wait— what happened?"

"mother, hoseok. she told me to do these things, and i had to obey,"

"and hee-jin—"

da-eun finally broke into tears, which made hoseok shock and unable to process what his cousin just told him.

da-eun frozed in her seat. sobbing quietly, and shaking.

hoseok, suddenly hugged the girl for comfort as he, himself didn't find the proper words to say.

jungkook rushed towards a boutique in the mall, eager to go home, not because he was tired, but because he wanted to know if hee-jin was back home.

he went to her workplace only to be welcomed with by a dead building, all lights off, and only a couple of guards were guarding the place were left.

he promised himself to make it up with her as indeed, he neglected his responsibilities as a "good husband."

it was, after all, one of his minor duties to fetch her to work and back to the house.

and it didn't intervene with his schedule at all as jeon's company was the same route to the song's.

he was about to hurry back, to try to persuade hee-jin to eat with him in her favorite restaurant as an apology, when he suddenly remembered jimin's birthday was next week.

it wasn't suppose to be a problem at all, but when he saw his fully packed schedule for the entire week, he instantly rush to jimin's favorite sun glasses brand.

a pair of luxurious sun glasses was the first thing he thought along with the word "jimin's birthday."

jungkook came out with a perfectly wrapped gift placed inside a paper bag swinging in his hands, when he thought of buying hee-jin's favorite salted caramel fudge truffles inside a cafe she always went too.

jungkook was patiently waiting for his order, tapping the side counter desk lightly with his other hand, while looking at the cafe's interior.

the cafe was filled with plants and aesthetic lights. oak furnitures and plain pillow cases filled the place, making the place look cozy.

as the lad was roaming his gaze around, he spotted two people in the corner, hugging.

jungkook tsk-ed on the sight, annoyed over the fact that the couple chose a cafe to display their pda unbothered with the people around them at all.

jungkook instantly grabbed the small paper bag the waitress gave him, when he spotted the girl in the corner crying.

he instantly took back what he thought about pda when he realized the boy was jus giving comfort.

he was unable to see the girl's face as it was burried in the crook of the boy's neck, and it was also impossible to see the boy's face as he was completely facing back.

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