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within a divine striking distance.

da-eun sulked even more as mrs. jeon's tone was stern.

"you saw my schedules, i was busy," jungkook said as he drank water.

"still— you could have asked one of our drivers in the mansion to fetch her instead," mrs. jeon replied, this time, in a calmer voice.

"what's the big fuss about mom? she can drive,"

da-eun froze on her spot once again, praying hard no one knows she's been riding the taxi cab almost a month now.

mrs. jeon's gaze shifted to da-eun, and da-eun couldn't get any more nervous.

"but i heard that you've been riding a taxi cab ever since jungkook stopped fetching you, hee-jin dear," mrs. jeon said in a concern yet sweet voice.

"oh sh*t," da-eun muttered in her mind.

there's no way she's telling them she can't drive as they all know her sister can. da-eun placed down her utensils and said what she first thought of as an excuse.

"s-something happened in my business trip," she said as she closed her eyes, making a dramatic intro.

"time to f*king act da-eun. use all your knowledge about drama, you were trained by the best drama teachers, idiot."

as da-eun opened her eyes after a few seconds of not responding, a tear fell in her eye.

"i-i got into a minor accident, and thought of stopping driving for a while," she said trying to force her smile.

da-eun sulked as more tears flowed from her eyes. that's because what she said wasn't just an excuse from nowhere; what really happened was worse than what she said.

if only, everyone knew her sister really got into an accident, a major one. an accident that could kill her anytime, an accident that killed several lives.

indeed, it was a huge accident, yet her mother managed to silence the staffs with all her power and money before the media could ever find out.

and the victim's families couldn't agree more to what her mother did. letting the whole world know what happened won't lessen the burden they feel after all. they would rather choose to let their family member rest in peace.

"i'm sorry sweetie, i had no idea about that," jungkook's mom said as she looked at her apologetically, and glared back at jungkook who happened to look sad from the sight of hee-jin crying.

da-eun entered jungkook's room slowly, looking around and making sure mrs. jeon entered the spare guess bedroom on the second floor.

the house has three floors. the second floor having six extra bedrooms, and the third floor containing the master's and junior's room, with other special rooms such as the office, library, music & art room, gym, small cinema, game room, and apparently, a gadget room and a studio.

the ground floor on the other hand, had the kitchen, living room, and dining room. there were also a lot of extensions, such as a dirty kitchen, pool area, patio, and garden outside. the maid's  and driver's quarters were in the garage, along the laundry room and parking lot.

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