f o u r t e e n

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know how to control yourself.

hoseok looked more dumbfounded than ever. he expected the guy to grab da-eun again just like how he did last night, yet he sat in between them, comfortably as ever; smiling while he asked him the question directly.

"of course not," hoseok flashed the brightest smile.

"hoseok, this is my husband jeon jungkook. jungkook, this is my cousin jung hoseok," da-eun said faking a cough beforehand, trying to act all formal rather than her dull and sad self just a while ago.

hoseok's smile even stretched more, as if his whole face was smiling, and reached out his hand for a handshake.

"nice to meet you jungkookie,"

jungkook accepted it despite questioning the familiar nickname in his head, a friendly endearment that he's half certain he heard before.

setting his weird thoughts aside, jungkook proceeded to look at da-eun.

"oh come on babe, how come you never mentioned me to your cousin?" jungkook asked as he plastered his most fake smile while his facial expression stiffened and his grip to hosoek's hand tighten.

"babe?" da-eun secretly shrug off her disgust.

"since when did he used that word?" she thought.

"oh, she did. she does a lot, actually," hoseok jumped in trying to lessen the tension.

"i was at your wedding. although i didn't last," hoseok added.

jungkook's eyes widened as he mouthed a silent 'o.'

da-eun was plastering a 'what' look kn the other hand.

hoseok stood up immediately after jungkook released his hands.

"as much as i want to know you more, i almost forgot i have an appointment this afternoon,"

hoseok smiled again despite the heavy tension between the three of them.

"maybe we have dinner some time?" he followed up as he pat jungkook's left shoulder.

jungkook nodded, and stared at hoseok's figure whom vanished completely from his sight a few seconds after.

and as much as hoseok's profile was completely cool and swag looking, jungkook couldn't prevent himself to notice how awkward the guy exited the cafe.

as jungkook looked back at his girl, he saw her cold stare at him, almost not blinking at all.

her hands and legs were crossed, and her posture was straight as ever.

jungkook did a shrug gesture, mouthing a 'what,' and trying to look completely innocent.

he did feel a bit bad ruining their family moment, but he certainly felt more jealous that moment.

da-eun sighed, and grabbed her handbag as she stood up and started to walk out of the cafe.

but she completely failed to do so as jungkook was fast to grab her wrist and drag her somewhere in the mall.

"is grabbing my wrist you hobby? i can't run fast you know," da-eun said panting, while trying to drag her rather long legs to wherever jungkook was going to bring her.

jungkook forgot the fact that his legs was undeniably longer than da-eun's, which only meant one thing, he walked way faster without exhaustion.

jungkook stopped, his back facing the girl while his hands was still enveloped to the girl's thin wrist.

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