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someone knows her.

jungkook looked back to see who asked as the voice didn't sound like it belonged to any of the house maids.

he then saw hee-jin, going down the stairs.

she was wearing night clothes and her hair was tied up into a messy bun.

jungkook then assumed that she just woke up from a nap.

"are you hungry?"

jungkook asked himself the same question.

is he hungry? yes, super.

"uh—" jungkook didn't know what to answer as he was uncertain what hee-jin would do.

will she cook if he says yes?

jungkook tried to deny the fact that he was hungry but immediately failed when his stomach started to growl.

the girl in front of him then smiled even jungkook expected her to laugh out loud, yet she didn't.

"sit here. it won't take long," da-eun said, trying her best to push jungkook on the high chair of the kitchen.

the truth was, she was also hungry, and that's the reason why she woke up from her nap.

of course she knew how to cook as she also knows how to eat a lot.

never mind, it wasn't the reason why.

her mother used to bring a lot of top chefs, making them shut their mouths after they taught her how to cook and bake different international cuisines.

why? because she has nothing left to learn that time.

and being the obedient daughter she is, she endlessly listened and learned.

but da-eun wasn't dumb enough to cook something extraordinary as she knows really well that her sister hee-jin doesn't cook.

"at least hee-jin could cook ramen right?"

that's what da-eun kept on asking herself again and again, hoping her sister actually does.

and of course, she offered too cook some for jungkook too as he looked really hungry.

she's been staring at the boy for minutes upstairs, staring at the refrigerator.

she then assumed he was looking for leftovers, but then found nothing.

"i would rather sleep—" jungkook tried to say while seating on the high chair uneasy, starring at the girl who was starting the stove.

"don't worry, i'll cook something edible," da-eun immediately responded going around to grab more ingredients and tools to start cooking.

jungkook was saying the truth, he would rather sleep- than eat his wife's food.

the last time hee-jin cooked turned out to be a complete mess.

he remembered it was around the first month of their marriage.

hee-jin was attempting to cook dinner but ended up almost burning the kitchen to hell.

good thing mrs. choi was there to stop everything before it turns out to be the headline of the news.

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