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it feels better now that someone knows.

"hoseok?" she looked back and saw jung hoseok, with eyes as wide as ever. she was shocked while her heart was pounding.

the boy was wearing a mask and a cap, yet da-eun would never get wrong in guessing it was their cousin.

both of them stood in front of the boutique, carrying shopping bags along with them, frozen in their current positions.

jung hoseok's mom and song da-eun and hee-jin's mom were sisters, making the boy their first degree cousin.

the four of them, including jung da-won, hoseok's older sister, may not be sticking around each other every minute, but for sure, they were all close.

jung hoseok was around three years old when he first saw the twins, and since the four of them were the only cousins, they instantly bonded like real siblings.

they had cousins from their father side, yet they didn't get the chance to meet them or even see their pictures.

jung hoseok and da-won were both one of the counted people who knew about song da-eun, the hidden twin of the songs.

and even though the boy never got the logic behind da-eun being locked up, he's one of the people who would be willing to do whatever in order to protect his most favorite cousin.

yes, both of them were super close.

it wasn't like hoseok disliked hee-jin, it was just— he found da-eun to be more vulnerable than her younger sister.

despite the fact that da-eun was only older for at least seven minutes, she was completely the opposite of her mature and independent sister, hee-jin.

ever since they were young, hoseok always acted as their older jolly brother, who would always make da-eun feel better.

jung hoseok, or better known for his stage name j-hope, stayed away from the business world and chose the path of entertainment instead.

he's one of the most famous dancer-rapper in south korea, and even writes his own songs and choreographs his own dances.

he's known to have a huge fan base, and wherever he goes, he was simply followed.

hoseok immediately pulled da-eun inside a cafe and sit her in one of the tables at a corner, where no one can easily spot them.

he was confused to see the girl outside—roaming around the mall.

hoseok, ever since he became a performer, never got a chance to visit the song's manor which was far away from the city, because of his packed schedule.

yes, he knew that hee-jin started working in the company not so long ago, giving da-eun no chance to swap with her twin sister to go out and escape in their mansion for a bit without their mom knowing.

he also knows that hee-jin was forced into a marriage with the only son of the jeon company, jeon jungkook.

and he did went to the wedding although for a short time, making sure to leave a wedding gift.

just like how their parents are trying to hide song da-eun in their house all her life without any reason, hoseok is also furious with the arrange marriage that was forced into song hee-jin.

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