s i x t e e n

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one step from truth.

jungkook wanted to laugh, or do literally anything to take back what he said, but he didn't.

aside from the stupidity he knew he perceived, he more than anything, was serious.

da-eun on the other hand was startled. and even though she knew very well she has to reply with a 'yes,' she felt like something was different with the question.

she felt like it was tricky question, and that's why she was completely hesitant to answer.

what was the right word to answer?

does he expect her to say yes?

or maybe he expects her to say no?

but why no?

"y-yes of course," da-eun stammered.

something felt wrong though. her instincts wanted her to say no, while her heart wanted to blurt out the whole truth.

she felt like she had to tell the guy the whole truth, yet she knows very well he should be the last person in this world to know.

jungkook nodded oddly in response.

what was he suppose to say back after asking that stupid question?

he wasn't regretting it though, as he proved that the girl in front of him—

wasn't the old hee-jin anymore.

because the real hee-jin would have said no as they always joke and hate around each other.

but she didn't say it this time.

she said yes instead.

she was serious, neither was he.

every time he observed hee-jin being nicer around him, he would always doubt her and joke around asking if she's still the old hee-jin, and the girl would reply with a no, laughing loudly.

hee-jin wasn't rude, yet they just don't match each other's personality.

but what could have made the girl change so much?

what could have made her change to a complete opposite of her personality?

da-eun harshly splashed water in her face to cleanse it, then ended slapping her cheeks lightly out of bother.

she excused herself to the bathroom after feeling totally uncomfortable a while ago.

she hated herself so much that she could just jump off the cliff.

she hates herself for being out of the frame, for being out of her mind literally every time.

she hates herself for loosing focus and for being such a coward.

she hates the fact that when she's in the office, she's a complete replica of her sister, but when it comes to the house, she can't stop from being her, from being the real her.

as if she's is always coming out of the shell even though she keeps on pushing herself back inside.

she hates herself for being careless and stupid, for always giving hints that she's just pretending.

it's as if she can't be her sister in front of the great jeon jungkook.

da-eun sighed frustratingly, tugging and messing her hair around, when her stomach started growling.

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