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she feels guilty for nothing.

"hee-jin— let's go,"

da-eun stopped roaming around when she was called by jungkook as they head to the dining area.

it was a simple family dinner, yet the whole mansion was so busy. the staffs were going almost around every corners, and she felt dizzy for them.

da-eun never knew a supper could be treated like an occasion.

she felt at ease though, since the mansion gave her a cozy vibe.

it feels like— everyone was a whole family, and that, made her heart merry.

not just that, all these meant the jeon family was truly pouring affection and effort to their few yet special family dinners which means their bond is unbreakable.

"oh, you guys are here!" da-eun then looked back to see two mid- aged couple which she assumes to be mr. and mrs. jeon.

"did we keep you two waiting?" mr. jeon smiled.

"welcome back hee-jin," mrs. jeon approached da-eun with a warm hug which she responded too, while mr. jeon was just behind giving off a fatherly smile.

ms. jang was indeed right with their personality. they're very welcoming.

jungkook exactly looks like his father, yet in a younger state, although he also took a lot from his youthful and beautiful mother.

mrs. jeon was sweet and she looked cheerful, while mr. jeon looked so professional, yet when he was around his close ones, he was a good type of prankster.

the four of them then settled on the dining room, where in over exaggeration, hundreds of specialties were served and on display.

the amount of effort and skills in every dish was seen, and da-eun already knew these food were prepared by top chefs right from seeing it.

"so, hee-jin sweetie, how was the business trip?" ms. jeon asked elegantly stuffing her mouth afterwards, while waiting for an answer.

how was the business trip? how was she suppose to answer that?

da-eun was very uncertain to what happened in the trip or what was so important about it that her sister had to go there, unknowingly risking her life.

no, it wasn't risking, the business trip clearly placed her sister's life in unpredictable danger, and the consequences lasted for a very long that she had to pretend to be her until she wakes up.

she wasn't suppose to blame anyone, but she can't help but to despise the carelessness of the people responsible for it.

if only she had the power to sue them, she would.

if they were just a little more attentive before letting the plane take off, and a little more careful knowing tons of precious lives were under their responsibility, their private plane couldn't have crashed drastically.

no, it was wrong to think like that.

it was wrong to blame them for everything.

it was clearly stated that it was an accident. no one wanted it to happen.

she was just looking— looking for someone to blame.

they don't even know if her sister will wake up from the comma.

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