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fragile and terrified.

da-eun's eyes enlarged as her petite body started shaking at jungkook's idea.

jungkook felt bad, there was no way he could take back what he said, and he clearly knows that it was an over exaggeration.

because his house wouldn't be robbed easily as it was located at one of the safest subdivision in seoul. other high profiled people were also residing in that place; their security was no joke.

they'd be blamed by the public if any of the big politicians, popular businessmen, or favorite artists would be harmed after all.

jungkook sighed as he looked around the place, his arms akimbo to his waist.

"it was a joke hee-jin okay? you know this subdivision is safe," jungkook said almost laughing.

da-eun's  forehead stopped from sweating, and her face looked as if it was lifted from terror.

she didn't know whether she was scared of the possible invaders or with jungkook who was laughing his heart out like a devil, enjoying the fact that she was scared.

as da-eun was about to mumble something, jungkook's phone started ringing.

"yes?" jungkook sniff, trying to refrain from laughing once again.

"what!? what do you mean eomma!?" jungkook asked with such a stern tone this time, and it sounded like he was trying to control his temper.

the phone call didn't last for more than a minute as jungkook's slight frustration was obvious.

"jungkook?" da-eun asked curiously, as if she was looking for an answer, for any explanation.

"i'll explain everything once we get inside," jungkook said sighing frustratingly for several times.

as jungkook was unlocking the door, he suddenly thought of something.

the lad's anger was replaced with a growing smirk which he tried to hide.

jungkook went inside in a fast pace, making sure the girl was gonna be left outside alone.

jungkook tiptoed and froze right at the center, stopping his breaths and gripping on his phone.

meanwhile, da-eun was struggling to get her phone inside her handbag as too much things were crowding inside.

da-eun's steps were hesitant, it was as if she won't enter without a flashlight in hand.

after a few minutes, da-eun sighed upon giving up for her tiny search.

thinking that jungkook is just a few meters in front of her, da-eun continued to walk in the dark.

she then stopped at the center point and slowly scanned the area.

she was at the middle already, and there was literally no source of light.

everything was completely black as jungkook already turned off his car's headlight.

she kept turning her head. no footsteps not breaths.

just silence.

da-eun held on her bag's sling, clutching it to death. just as da-eun walked one more step ahead, she felt a presence.

she felt a cool air surrounding her figure, and it sent shivers down her spine.

it was chilly— no, it was creepy.

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