Chapter 2

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Today is a new day. After yesterday's struggle I am ready for a new day at this godforsaken town. Also, this town is growing on me. I think. I mean it has only been a day. But I had a good day. I found place to sleep comfortably, well not like my bed back home, but it was good enough. I found food and somehow even was able to acquire alcohol. After my debacle at train station, I walked through what felt like fields. Like plain fields of nothing. So basically, nothingness when I stumbled upon something. Which made me angry and paranoid. As I did not see anything so how I stumble. Well you see there was nothing except a whole ass human which I completely ignored on my way to cussing this town. Well he was a good-looking guy. Handsome enough I thought I could use him at least for today. That's what I thought but he had other plans. He was rude, he was arrogant. And he blamed me running him over. How the fuck would I run him over? With my thin ass legs? Or with my suitcase which was lying on the other side of the street now thanks to him. This guy had the nerve to get up and throw my case away. Apparently, I disturbed his sleep. Who the fuck sleeps on the road? His logic it is summer, the road is closed, and the day is awesome to be outside. So why not sleep on the side of the fucking street. I should not be cussing so much. But I could not help it. I was too angry. Angry with myself, my mother and of course my dad. And this town was not helping. After that strange encounter at the station, people kept looking at me with weird looks, as if I am an alien. I mean I could be, but I was not green or blue. At least that is what I saw the aliens looked like in the handful of movies I saw. Then there was Mr. Handsome lying on the side of the road like he owned it. I quickly crossed the street to pick up my case and started walking on this side of the street. I mean I had no destination in mind so I can walk on either direction. But to my utter dismay he followed me. He kept following me till I had enough and turned to him. "What? What do you want?" He just smiled. I mean he really had the nerve to just smile. I huffed and started walking again. And suddenly I am at like a town center or something. I must have taken turns. How did I reach here? Wherever here is? It looked crowded but not that crowded. There are people waking, kids playing. What kind of alternate universe is this? Kids playing on the street. Did I just travel back to the past? I turned around to check my surrounding and sure enough he was there behind me. "Why are you following me?" He smiled again. I had enough of his act. I tried to slap him, when he caught my arm and gave me a very sexy smile before saying, "Now that is not very polite is it?" Somehow that made my blood boil and I kicked him, more like kneed him in the stomach. He stumbled a little but held his balance but that helped me get my arm back and move away from him before gained his stance back. 'This is a crowded area someone could surely help me if he tries to come after me.'

"What is your problem girl?" Sure, enough he is back. But this time, no sexy smile, no handsome face, a rugged look overtook his demeanor. Huh that was all an act I suppose.

"What do you want?"

"Nothing you are Abbie, right? Abbie Wells." I looked at him shocked. How did he know my name? did my dad send him? I mean he is a paranoid guy. But this would be a little too extreme.

"Who are you? How do you know my name?"

"I didn't. Well your case had the tag for you name."


"Yeah oh. So, what are you doing here Abbie Wells? You do not look like you are from here. But you look oddly familiar." I did not reply. It was probably best if I do not give away too much information about me to a stranger. Even if he is handsome. Oh god he is sexy. Not like celebrity sexy but like a small town, hardworking guy kind of sexy. Like the kind who gains muscle working on farms not in gym. He also had a very rugged look on him which is very apparent from his clothes. Well who am I kidding I met him on the side of the road. Of course, his clothes are dirty. But somehow, he intrigued me.

"Who are you?"

"Okay so this is how you want to play. Cool. I am Ryan. I am currently on lunch break and I do not have much time. And it's a beautiful day. So again, why are you here Abbie Wells?"

"I am here to see my mother. But seeing as I do not have her address and she did not pick me up from the station, I am here talking to you."

"Who is your mother? You look like Adeline."

"Well that would be cause I am her daughter."

"No way. No-Uh. You are not Addie's daughter. I know her. She is a sweet and kind lady and you are far from it."

"Well I think I know my mother's name better than you don't you think?" I am not going to give him the satisfaction that I have no idea how my own mother even looks like. He might have picked up on my distress or something as he ran back to a crowded place. He talked to some guys and came back with a smile. It was not the sexy smile he gave me earlier but a sweet smile.

"Come on. Come with me I will show you to Addie's house. It is not far from here. Although she did not tell me you were coming. Does she know you are here?"

I shook my head. Well at least he did not say she cannot be my mother like that old lady. What is the story behind my mother? Seems like she is very well known and loved yet a part of her life is a secret. Shit I am her secret. But why though? Dad made it seem like she wanted to move back here without me. And he did not tell me much about her, but I thought if she could leave us, she must be a bad person. And when this stranger said she is kind, event eh lady at the station it felt like I really have no idea who she is. And the woman I made my mother to be inside my head is not her at all. Well now I am wondering if she will even like me. I mean I am practically a stranger to her. Who let's face it is rude. I mean I try not be rude but trying to protect myself from getting hurt is hard. Especially when you crave attention like I crave. Well not from random people but from my dad. He is well he is all I have. Or had, I guess. Well I am meeting my mom now. This is going to be epic. 

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