Epilogue 1

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Its nearing the end of summer. The weather is beautiful today and so is the view. My current view that is. I am Ade's maid of honor and today is the day Ade and Jane gets married. They have been waiting for a long time. I don't know exactly but I think it's close to around fifteen long years of waiting for them. Maybe I am wrong maybe it's less time but whatever the exact years are both of them have been waiting for this day to come for a long, long while. Kyle Jane's brother is her best man. Then there is Ryan. Ade and Jane even added Riley and Krystal as part of the weeding. Hunter is flower girl, and Holland is the ring bearer.

The weeks after my graduation were tense and were filled with work. Because the divorce papers signed by Mr. Wells landed three days after my graduation. Which is surprising. But was also expected. And from then on, neither Ade nor Jane or even us wasted anytime. We instantly started planning the wedding. I think we all helped and planned the wedding in what two months. Yeah it sounds impossible and even thinking back now I am not sure how we even did it. But we all somehow did it. What the newlyweds don't know is that we as in me and Ryan have planned a honeymoon for them. Ryan used his saved money and I used the money I had from... Well it is being used for a good cause now finally!

Arranging everything was still okay, wedding dress, venue and invites those were the most problematic ones. Because apparently, we need time and need to reserve places. Yeah right how about two people getting fucked up by legalities because of a deranged man? Okay, I may have unleashed my anger on them sometimes and got things done my way. Guilty. But the outcome counts. It looks beautiful and it's at the Hotel both Jane and Ade wanted to get married at. But knew they needed to make reservation like five or six months ago. Well not when Abbie goes 'nuts' I guess! Ryan calmed me down as Krystal was busy with Riley with the dresses. That were their department. Honing down the dresses. No matter how much time they wanted we needed it by today. And somehow our group did wonders. And here we are. I cannot believe I am here, or I was able to help Ade. I also cannot believe I am about to witness my Mom marry Momma Jane. Yes, I am referring to Jane as my mother. She has been there for me from the moment I arrived, and I did look up to her as my mother. Guess my 18th year on Earth I am gaining two moms. I couldn't be happier.

Last Night after the rehearsal dinner Ade wanted to talk. Well I was a little scared to be honest. But it was soon replaced with tears, buckets and buckets of tears. Why? Because Ade wanted to say or discuss 'some stuff'. Yeah, those stuffs made both of us actually all of us emotional. Because when she started it was just the two of us soon, we were surrounded by all of our family and friends, well they are family only now. Ade told me she was scared during the first few months of me living with her. Scared not of me, but for me. Because according to her she already hurt me very badly and was skeptical that she would hurt me again. She told Jane that she should have gone back and somehow took me away from him when he threw her out. And that she might never be able to forgive herself for that.

It took her months to open up to me and not walk on eggshells around me. Because every time she saw me get angry or upset. Or she heard one of my 'stories', she went back to her room and cried. Blamed herself. And that was gone by the time fall rolled around, then she became surer of herself, surer of being the mother I needed, and she could be now than repenting the past. But that all took a huge blow after my scar's revelation. I guess that is why Ade told me to focus on the present and the future which I can control over. I mean I did blame her at first but after living with her for like two weeks I stopped blaming her for leaving me. Because I knew she didn't really have a choice. But a part of her still wishes that she could have saved me then. Well I do too, but not of late. Who knows how I would have turned out had I not faced such a 'wonderful' childhood? Obviously, I wouldn't have my sarcasm! That would be a shame, wouldn't it?

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