Chapter 36

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I am in a funk! I have been in this funk since last Saturday when everything unfolded with who Krystal's foster family is, came to light. More like who beats her. And yet I cannot save her or even tell anyone. Why? Because Krystal made me promise not to tell anyone anything I know. As if I know much! But I know about the abuse and now the abuser. I am keeping quiet since she asked me to. I keep my promises. Try to at least just like now. I really care about Krystal, I want to save her, keep her safe. But I also want her here in this town, and there is a very real possibility that she would be sent away if officials come to know that she is abused at her foster home. I hate it. I hate this conflict. It is making me angry nowadays and hence my extreme amount of soccer practice. Because soccer is keeping me calm, not sure how or even why. But I get calm as soon as I start practicing or kicking the ball. And Sasha is always eager to play that helps as well.

That Saturday after Krystal found out about Riley and Riley about Krystal, both the girls wanted to talk. Riley more than Krystal. And Krystal was afraid that she would find out about the abuse. She told me that herself that she does not want Riley to know about it. I am guessing it's because it is Riley's dad who is hitting her. It is so surreal though that Krystal and Riley know each other, and weirdly both of them are very important to me. Krystal asked me to take her back to the light house, I told her I can drop her off at home, but she insisted I take her back to the light house. And this was just after she 'found' Riley. That shocked me at first. And it shocked Riley too. But then Krystal agreed to meet Riley later on in the evening at the light house provided I am there too. Not sure why Krystal wanted me there, but she did. Riley agreed, she was in fact happy that Krystal suggested it, not sure about her reaction to the fact that Krystal asked me to be there. Whatever Riley thought about my presence she kept it to herself.

After I dropped Krystal off and came back to find Riley crying her eyes out on my bed. She was both extremely happy and sad to have finally found Krystal, her sister. I really like that Riley sees Krystal as her sister, because I knew Krystal does it too even though they are not really sisters. Foster sisters sure but the way Krystal talked about her the couple of times she mentioned her, it was as if she is her real sister. And I know for a fact that the fact that Krystal was Riley's foster sister bugged Riley, same as it did Krystal. Riley wanted to believe that Krystal is her real sister. We did not talk though, me and Riley, I just held her till she cried herself to sleep for the afternoon. Then we ate and I took Riley to the light house, where I took dinner for Krystal as well. Riley did see me pack it but did not question.

When we reached Krystal was already there, seeing us, she hugged me first and then slowly hugged Riley. I know it bothered Riley, and I know it still does as Krystal is still not fully open with Riley whereas she is herself with me. Not sure why but I have feeling it's because I know her, this present Krystal and not the 9 or 10-year-old girl she was. I am guessing a lot happened during these past 4 years at least with Krystal. Krystal knew I brought her food as she just brought her hand out after hugging us and I placed the packed dinner on her hand. She smiled and started eating. After dinner, they talked, and I just sat there listening. Weird thing though I sat in the middle, but Krystal was really closer to me and there was space between me and Riley. And Krystal held my hand the entire time they talked. It calmed me down a lot, because the more they talked about the past the angrier I became especially when I realized both of them were hurt by the same guy, one physically and the other mentally and emotionally.

That night Krystal went back after talking to us for hours, and me and Riley came back to mine. Riley was a bit distant from me that night which was considerable since everything that happened. Being as Riley is an extremely secretive person when it comes to her family. The next day I met Krystal at the light house after Riley went home. She said she might meet us at the light house later on and me and Krystal already had plans, plus she texted me to go there. When I met Krystal that Sunday, I saw some new bruises in her arms, which she covered with her shirt. But I saw them seeing as I reached the room just as she was inspecting her bruises. I did not say anything, I mean what could I? I just gave her some medicine, which are always present in my backpack nowadays. After that we had lunch, I took her out. When we came back, we sat on the floor to talk, where she made me promise not to tell Riley about the abuse or her cutting. Why? Beats me. But I promised her by saying it will only until Riley finds it out herself. Which Krystal agreed that she will not lie to Riley, she just would not tell her about it.

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