Chapter 22

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Krystal went back after our talk. I did not want her to leave, especially after seeing her bruises, but she said she had to. I want to protect her and now I am sure she is abused at her foster home. If only I could help her someway. But I do not want to push her. And it is only last night she asked me to be her friend. Gah! This sounds so cute and stupid. Her asking me to be her friend. And yet here I am smiling like an idiot because of that. I came in late last night. I ate dinner out. I bought dinner for me and Krystal and we ate at the light house. Then I gave her some snacks and bandages before she left. I hate it when she says she has to go back to her foster house. Well she technically she does not say where she is going. Neither does she ever say who hurt her. But when she told the story yesterday, I saw the hurt in her eyes. And the pain was visible on her face when she told me about her foster family. I am glad she had a sister there who took care of her. But now that she is gone. I am scared what happens to her there.

It's around 11 am now. I am just lying on the couch, smiling and thinking of Krystal. No idea where everyone is. Jane did not say anything so that means she might be back for lunch. Generally, it's me, Ryan and Jane for lunch as Ade stays at the hospital. But Jane finishes her volunteer hours by noon. And Ryan said that the current project is done. So, for a new one to start they have official business to do. He does not know what that entails, and this is the only time he is off work usually, in between projects. And me, well I tried to get Ade or Jane to agree with me getting a summer job, but they are adamant about me enjoying the summer. I think they want me to enjoy because they know I never truly enjoyed ever. Therefore, I am lounging around today with a goofy smile on my face. When I hear knock. Who is here knocking? I open the door and come face to face with my.... well my friend.


"Abbie. What are you doing? Where is your phone? Check your phone girl?"


"What huh. I have been texting you asking you if I can come over now? What you doing now? You are not responding. So, I thought I should pay you a visit. I am glad I did. You are clueless, aren't you?"

"Yeah. Wait what? I'm sorry? I have not ...where is my cell? I did not hear anything." Of course, I did not hear I am lost in my mind.

"Well no problem. Are you free?"

"Yeah. I am."

"Good. Let's hangout!"

"Here or do you want to go somewhere?"

"Here is fine. You remember the group is meeting today evening right? Or did you forget that too?"

"No, I remember."

"Good. So, what was that yesterday. With the sudden change of plan?"

"Oh! That nothing. Just something came up."

"I am sure it did. I saw your car at the light house you know. I went in thinking it must be a joke. You would not ditch our plans just to spend time at the light house. But guess I was wrong. I heard you. And there was another faint voice. And some sobs. I left I did not want to hear anymore. I realize you lied and ditched me. But for what Abbie? I thought we were friends. I mean I would not have said anything had you told me you would rather go the light house you know. I knew you go there most days. But this... no Abbie. Why did you lie to me? Who was that? You could have told me you did not want to go with me because you would rather be at the light house?"

"No Riles. It's not like that. I um... I was practicing for a role. I just thought I could try out for drama this year. I have never done theatre you know. And the light house felt like the perfect place to practice without disturbance. I did not want to ditch you. Something did come up, with uh... with... regarding my dad. I just wanted to be alone and then I saw an advertisement for a summer play and thought I could practice in the light house and then audition. I mean I am not doing anything this summer. So, I can just audition. I know I will not get it but then I would be prepared if I audition this fall." Wow Abbie! I took lying to a next level. Dammit! Why did she follow me? Shit! She heard us. What did she hear? No, no, no Krystal. Fuck. Why is she staring? Am I a bad liar or did Riley buy it? Dammit say something Riley.

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