Chapter 59

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I am standing at my dad's house's living room yet not standing and there are pieces of glass surrounding me and blood. There is so much blood. Then I notice my younger self lying on the floor and hovering over my small fragile barely conscious body is my dad. He looks drunk and has his hands in a fist. Bloodshot eyes, bloodied knuckles. A sight too familiar to me. The kick comes next along with my blood curling scream. Why am I here? What am I seeing? I cannot remember this event as much as I am trying to. When did this happen? I look very young barely older than 5 or 6 maybe. Why am I dreaming this? Am I dreaming this or is this reality? No, it can't be real, can it? I mean I am sort of omnipresent and floating. This has to be a dream, right? But then why would I dream such a thing?

There is loud noise. It was faint but now it is growing and growing. It is coming near me. What is this? I turn my head and I am at a hospital. Everything smells like hospital. The walls are white, too white. I look down and see I am wearing a hospital gown. What is going on? I check my hands and there are cuts and bruises everywhere. I try to breath and it hurts. Why does it hurt? I try to check the source of my pain and see that my hand is hooked onto a big looking machine. Also, why are my hands so small? When did they become so small? Why is it painful to breath?

Finally, I got my right hand to the source of the pain and there is something there. That's not my skin. What is that? What is happening? Where am I? When am I? Where is Ade, Jane or even Krystal? What is going on? Last thing I remember... what's the last thing I remember? Oh no. This can't be happening. Wait wasn't I supposed to graduate today? Then why am in a hospital hooked up to tubes?

I feel movement. I try to turn my head, but it won't move. My neck hurts. I can't see anything. Someone or something is blocking my vision. Why is everything dark? Where did the hospital go? What happened to the white walls? What happened to the machines? What happened to me? What is happening to me? I am shaking. Has there been an earthquake? Am I trapped somewhere? The shaking increases. Oh god. The roof's gonna collapse if the magnitude is this much. The shaking won't stop. There is also a faint sound coming from somewhere. I need to locate it. Maybe then someone can help me.

The sound increases in its decibel and so does the shaking. Oh! I cannot take it anymore. I jerk my head ignoring my neck pain and come face to face with...Ade? What? Ade came to rescue me. Wait, where am I? I have never felt this disoriented in my entire life. What happened to the hospital? The blood? The earthquake? They were all part of my dream? Or am I still dreaming?

I blink a couple times and try to focus my eyes on Ade and see that she is smiling. Okay! What is going on? Now I am even more confused.

"Get up Abbie. I have been waiting for you to wake up." A soft voice said. I know this voice. Why is this voice in this mess? No. no. no. I start panicking. It is not safe for her to be here. No. I look at Ade and try to tell her to get Krystal to safety. Ade is now looking at me confused. Why is she confused? I am the who is confused. What is happening?

"Abbie you okay? Did you have a nightmare? Abbie you are here with me and Krystal is beside you, waiting for you get up. Riley is here as well. You are graduating today. Remember? We have graduation breakfast ready for you and Riley. Kate is here as well. The others are coming by later on. Did you forget?"

"Ade am I okay? There was blood. Lots of it. There was glass too. Then a hospital, I was in pain. Breathing made me feel pain. Then there was darkness and an earthquake. What is going on?"

"Oh god Abbie. You had one of your nightmares. You are okay Abbie. There was no earthquake. It might be me shaking you awake that made you think of earthquake. And you saw the rest as today you are graduating. And after last few week's events. I am not surprised your dreams returned. Your nightmarish memories. You are safe now Abbie. There is no blood. You are in your room with me and Krystal by your side."

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