Chapter 15

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Weird. That's what I was feeling. I could say I was wired, energy bubbling in me, adrenaline high, my senses were heightened. I felt as if I could see everything, feel everything, hear everything. All throughout the car ride I felt like I was floating in air when in reality I was sitting in a car with 4 other people strapped by my seat-belt, yet I was floating. Now I know I am not a vampire, and neither am I an angel. But having emotions, these newfound feelings really gave me a new high. A high I never ever experienced before. It felt so free, so liberating yet scared the living shit out of me at the same time. Therefore, weird is the perfect way to describe me and my current mood. No matter how much I tried, I could not stop smiling like an idiot the whole way home. I kept seeing Krystal's face, her eyes, her small smile in my mind. As if it played on in a loop. I was so lost that I never heard when we reached home, or anyone's question about my smile. Ryan, I think was talking, but I have no idea. And for reasons unknown to me I do not even want to get out of this haze. It's stupid. I just met Krystal, I just saw her few minutes ago, yet I cannot wait to see her, I am missing her already.

I do remember seeing no new bruise on her face, she was still hosting the black eye from last week. I couldn't exactly give her ice as I could not find a portable freezer to buy even. So, I gave her peas and stuff, kept cold via car's air conditioner while travelling. That helped but not as much as an ice pack would have. I wish I was there with her at the light house right now instead of with Ryan, who is looking intently at me. As if he can gauge out what is in my mind by looking at me. As if! Hope he doesn't though. I so do not want to explain anything to him. We are still standing in the porch, staring at each other. Well I am staring into space and I could feel Ryan's eyes on me, but I do not bother to pay attention to him right now. I heard a tire screech loudly, I immediately turned to see Riley getting out of her car. Shit! She said she was coming, and she wanted to talk. I mean it makes sense after last night. Whoa! Was that only just last night when Riley was drunk and babbling about stuff. It feels like a lifetime ago. Maybe I was so lost in Krystal's thoughts that time was passing by very slowly for me. She was looking at us, from her car. She kept looking at us rather staring at me and Ryan before titling her head to a side and smiling. Again, she gave me that crooked smile of hers. What's with this smile? Also, is it for me or for Ryan this time? I turned to look at Ryan staring at Riley with awe in his eyes. Yeah, there is something Ryan is thinking that's for sure. As soon as Riley walked towards us, Ryan scurried inside, banging the door loudly behind him as he went in. Okay! That's odd even for Ryan. Also, rude much Ryan! And here I thought I was the rude one out of the two of us. Riley just shook her head and smiled at that, looking down.

"So, I am guessing Ryan's"

"Yeah you could say that twice." I smiled. I have never seen Ryan like this. Even if I have just known him for a little over a month now. Still it baffles me sometimes what the boy does. "He didn't seem off a second ago when he was boring a hole in my brain and I did not respond in any way, but then again that might be what set him off this time."

"Yeah Abbie. Sure... let's go with that!" I could sense the sarcasm from a mile away.

"Riles you don't need to say it like that."

"Yeah whatever Abbie. It's clear he hates me now. What I don't get is why all of a sudden though? That's what I want to know? But anyways I came here to talk to you about... well not him. Just about...what I said or did not say last night."

"It's okay Riles. You don't have to tell me if you don't want to. I will pretend I never heard it okay. It's all cool."

"No, it's not. Not for me. I still cannot remember anything I did after the backyard but...okay here goes. I want to tell you well sober. I will try. This is hard for me. I never told anyone not even Vinny and he is...well we have known each other for years now. I uh...yeah, I live with my mom. My dad is...I miss him but it's alright. I miss her more though. She was my partner in crime you know. we even went to the light house together a few times. She was afraid at first but then she started to enjoy it with me. It was so much fun. She was a little kid, I loved her as if she was my real sister. But she wasn't not really though. Is it weird though that I miss her, more than I miss my older brother? He is not bad, but he left me, us, I guess. He just went to college. He said that but I am sure it was more like he left. Anyways...its weird. I never told anyone this. Not even the fact that now I live with my mom. Vinny might know something, but he never asked me directly and I never told him or confirmed his suspicions either. Maybe that's why he was angry today. I mean he saw us being good friends and he thought I would forget him. I won't but...sometimes I feel like I should. Like he is not a good friend of mine and I shouldn't have this crush on him. I know he knows about my crush on him. He is just so weird sometimes. Sorry about that. I think." I was staring at her smiling, "Say something, Abbie?"

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