Chapter 58

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I am happy. I am over the top happy. I am super joyed. I am ecstatic. Why you ask? Because for the first time in my life not only do, I have people in my life who I love and care for. I also know what love means. And that in fact I do love Krystal. I plan to tell her soon. I just need some courage. We have prom coming up in almost two weeks. Even though we have finals a month after that. But still it is a special occasion for me.

I have never been to prom. I have hosted after prom parties. And weirdly seniors came to that. Because generally whenever prom usually happened in my previous school, it's the only time of the year when I knew dad would not be back for a week. Therefore, no busting my parties. And the after-prom parties were always the wild ones. Because why wouldn't it be. After all it was hosted by a crazy drunk teenager. It was always my dream to be able to go to prom. You might think that if I hosted the after party why did I not go to prom. Well two reasons I wasn't allowed to leave my house for even prom and second no one ever asked me. Which I didn't take offense to then. Now is a different matter. Now I understand nobody there wanted me around, but they loved to come to my parties.

The weeks after the tournament was bizarre. First, I was refreshed and happy when I came back to school on Wednesday the next week. Only to hear that Wednesday was a half day with parade and some party being thrown in our honor. Because we won the trophy. The boy's football team arranged that. That made me feel good. Because in my last school even I never saw any of the boys' sports team supporting any girls' sports team this much. There was a special assembly to announce these stuffs and then the cheerleaders did a cheer in our honor. It was really awesome to experience that. The whole school celebrated our victory.

Thursday school was back to normal, and classes resumed. Only this time I felt a bit empty when I had freebies. I know Sasha did too. Because after all soccer season is over. I did feel a little what am I supposed to do? But that changed when Sasha suggested we can still practice if we want. And for some weird reason I couldn't have been happier to hear that. So, we practiced but just during our freebies. Not after school. Well that was good. As it gave me extra time for my course work and with Krystal.

The next week the scouts who came to the games came back to our school to talk to us individually with our coach and principal or our guidance counselor. It was a bit scary experience to be honest. I was very nervous before. But just as I was about to step into the room, I felt completely relaxed. It did make me feel strange a bit. But then I remembered soccer has been the only thing I knew I wanted at least this term. Strange how quickly soccer became a vital part of my life. And yet it was missing from the better part of my growing up. If only I had soccer before. At least then I would have had something to hold onto. Well...that's the past and now is the present. Ade told me that. Ade told me whenever I feel down about my past, I need to remind myself that, that's the past and now is the present. And now is, what matters. We both actually have to remind ourselves that pretty often.

I got offered full ride from both UCLA and Rollins College. I was also offer by University of North Carolina. But not a full ride scholarship. Sasha and Kelly got offered full ride from University of North Carolina as well as UCLA. I turned down UCLA almost instantly. Because even though I know that is a good school. And that I would love to play for them. But I cannot step into California ever again. At least not for a few years. I tried to explain it to them as best as I could, and it seemed like they understood. After that I accepted Rollin's College's offer. But I talked to them about somethings I was thinking. Namely what I am to major in, and also if I could defer for a year because I am in no shape to take off for college even if it's in Florida. They said I could. I have not told Krystal yet. I want to surprise her with the information.

I have not yet asked Krystal to go to prom with me and today is Wednesday already. A week and a half before the event. I am waiting for a special idea to do my promposal for her. I decided to do it this Friday. Today I am going with Sasha and Kelly to buy my prom dress and Riley and Krystal are going separately. Because I didn't want to see Krystal's dress till the day of prom. I know it's stupid because then how can we color match. Well my best friend is Riley. I am still not sure who Riley is going with though. She told me someone asked her, but she won't tell me who. She also pressuring me to do an awesome promposal for Krystal. So, I guess in a way the pressure is on.

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