Chapter 28

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A/N- Thank you so much for the 500 reads. 


She kissed me, albeit it was my cheek. But her actual lips touched a part of my face, a part of me. Oh my! She actually kissed me. What is happening to me? I feel like shouting, dancing, singing. I feel so energetic, like there is a huge surge of adrenaline coursing through my body. But I am not angry so then why do I feel this sudden rush? Is it because of Krystal? Is it because of the kiss? Oh! my cheeks... hurt? Wait why does my cheeks hurt? I have not been punched or slapped. What the hell is happening to me? First this weird adrenaline rush, then this weird electricity and now my cheeks hurt. I should go home, sleep and probably consult a doctor. But what would I say my symptoms are? I need to find the reason for my cheek pain now. I touched my face and found myself smiling. I didn't know I was smiling. Oh of course! I am such an idiot. I am smiling because of the...oh it hurts to smile. That would mean I am happy! Huh! Is this a happiness adrenaline rush? Does that even happen? Is it normal? I have only known angry adrenaline rushes. I need to ask Ade. I need to talk to her.

I reached home and I was on a mission. I went straight to Ade's room and found Jane there. Well that did not stop me. Now my pain is unbearable on my cheeks, yet I cannot stop smiling. Jane saw me with an amused look. Do I look ridiculous? Of course, I do, I am in pain from smiling too much. As if that ever happened to anyone much less me. So many changes. So many new things. So little control I have over them. I need a human emotions 101 course right now!

"Jane I cannot stop smiling, my cheeks hurt, I feel this energy in me and this weird rush almost like the adrenaline rush that I used to feel whenever I got super angry. Please help me Jane. I have no idea what is happening to me. I am losing control of my brain and I am clueless here. Jane help. JANE..." I almost shouted her name when she stopped me by placing her hand on my shoulder and looking at me with a very amused look, a very sincere smile.

"Okay sweetie. I get it. Just a small question though what got you so happy?"


"You do realize you are very happy, right? Like on cloud nine type of happiness. That is why you are feeling that rush you talked about. That energy too. So, what got you this happy? Wait...who made you this happy?" I stared at her blankly and my brain showed me an image of my blue-eyed girl smiling at me, just like she was today, the whole time. And my lips betrayed me making my cheeks hurt yet again. "I am on the right track with the who part, aren't I?" Jane asked now with a knowing smile on her face and narrowing her eyes at me.

"Jane...." I almost whined. I don't know what else to do. I feel helpless with this new electric current pulsating through me now. I feel I could zap a person with just my fingers. Shit that's scary! That got my cheeks to hurt less and my lips to pull back to their natural position.

"Okay, okay. I can help you I guess; I have no idea what you need help with though. And I would definitely want to know more about the source of that cheek paining smile. So now what do you need help with?"

"Jane. This stupid cheek pain. Just make me stop smiling. But move away from me, I might be charged and might electrocute you. I do not think that is humanly possible though. I mean I know it is not possible. Yet I feel like electricity is coursing through my veins right now."

"Oh wow. Abbie. I am so happy for you. Ade....come here honey." Jane went to call Ade leaving a baffled me in the room standing all alone with my thoughts. The events played in my brain in a loop making me smile yet again and it made the electricity to continue flowing through my veins. I guess I am super charged happy! If that even is a thing, is it?

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